Sunday, May 30, 2010
Tmr going back to sch for CO.... :( I hate going back to sch.... I also want new com... The old one spoil liao... SAD! :( If not have to continue using my father's laptop.... But his laptop cannot type chinese words... Also not going overseas during the holidays... Im going to stay at home! Hahas! Year end then go overseas! Thursday went out with angel,sohyee,shuhui n tinching. Went to plaza singapura n vivocity. Did nth much except went to the arcade n play n went to the sky park n play water... I saw the jubeat tat they play the other time. I tink its okay la, quite fun.. Its like audition which they say. The weather was so hot!!! We keep on finding for shelter. Before tat, got the parent teacher conference. Saw angel's father n her sister. |