Thursday, April 02, 2009
![]() Today Geography Test!!!! OMG!!! I did so badly lol... :( This is so not my normal self.... :( Everytime,when there's exam or test,I will be very calm...but not this time!!! I literally panic lol... :P If the last page the entire question wrong.... I will lost 9 marks!!!!!!! Tat is a lot of marks... n my mother will kill me n I also will kill myself!!!!!! Cos this is counted in Mid-Year!!!!!! I'm so going to die.... Just have to work hard next time lol... :P Jiayou!! :D Teacher gave another test today,geography...(class test) It's even more difficult than the one we took in the morning lol... the terracing n the soil-less farming thig, I nvr go n read!!! So difficult.... My brain litterally going to burst... :P Why teacher set so difficult the paper?????? Some more, 1 page only n the whole test is out of 20 marks, same as the weekly test!!!!!! Teacher is so evil!!!!!!!!!! :D Science lesson so fun!!!!! Stack textbooks on empty egg shells!!! 4of it!!! :D So fun lol!!! We stack 23.3kg worth of books.... :D Plus, I have to write out the script for the whole group...(PW group) I haven even do it!!!! Youling pass me the thumbdrive n ask me to write the script!!!!!!! :( I dont know how to do leh... How????? Tmr,rehearsal for presentation... Thank goodness, its 2B science teacher going to asess us... N not Mr Kang. If not, I wouldnt even dare to say anything at all cos he will be always can talk louder a not or got a lot of comment... :P I dont know how to write script!!!!!! Anyway, I going to summarise every slide than tmr I give youling n she decide who say which slide... Mavolyn go wushu competition than she have band practice, left me to do the script... :( Dont knw why she cannot ask Jiahao to do... Anyway,i agree to do the script liao... Nothing,I can do liao.. At least,I got contribute something important to the group... Tat's the best!!! :D Dont say I nvr contribute anything to the group.... I contribute lots of time on it lol... Until, I want to die lol.. So tired!!!!!!!! |