Monday, April 27, 2009
![]() Tmr its the start of Mid-Year exam!!!! :P OMG!!!! I'm so scared lol.... :P Tmr there will be English n Chinese paper 1..... After tat,go home!!!!(n sleep!) Just kidding.... go home n revise Geography cos got geo test on wed n thur.... :( So sian lol... I hate geography!!!! :P Everyday,like got test lol....(well technically not everyday,only some days..) :D Thank goodness, there is no hw today n than Ms Latha nvr come so dont need to hand in the 6 test papers thingy... :D Tat stack of hw,we were supposed to finish it in 1 week!!!! Its like so many pages lol.... N some more, most of the questions are mixtures of Sec 1 n Sec 2 work.... Than I tink, i kind of forget Sec 1 work le.... :P Hahas!!! The relieve teacher talk so loudly lol.... :D Plus, the way he talk like very weird.... Mr Fauzi was like saying the same old stuff over n over again about newspaper report cos tmr i tink its going to test on it... He said it since last week until now lol n the worksheets he gave us is the same stuff he told us... Why cant he just give us the worksheet n we will read it up on our own??? It's not like we r small little kids anymore.... :P He very weird lol.... :D Today,tons of ppl nvr come to schl.... Cos they were sick :(... While there were 2 ppl, Yenna n Jingyi who went for SYF(guitar). I wish them all the best!!! Wish they can get gold too...(cos they also aiming for tat)... :D Can be on the same stage as band n CO!!! :D Wonder when will they get the resuts??? Maybe like us,at 6pm than get the results... Wish them all the best!!! GOOD LUCK!!! :D Later, I'm going to watch Entertainment Tonight on Ch5 later at 6pm!!!! Cos there is exclusive footage, interviews of the New Moon set!!!! :D PS: MAYBE I will not be posting any post for the rest of the week n the following week subj. like Maths,Sci,Geo, Literature n D&T..... :D I so have to do well in this exam!!!! JIAYOU!!! :D WORK HARD n dont SLACK le!!!! :P Wish tmr the paper will not set until very difficult!!!! :P Cant wait for 19th April outing with friends!!!! :P 1 day after the end of EXAMS!!!! Cos tat day dont need to go to schl!!!! :D |
Thursday, April 23, 2009
SYF is finished!!! Yesterday,mark the ending of the SYF!!!! Hehe....ours end on 21st April,Tuesday!!! Tat day, we didnt have lessons at all n we kept on practicing for the whole morning as our competition starts in the afternoon at 3.10 pm...When we reached the conference hall, the whole place were packed with ppl from all schools and some of them the costumes were weird???( i do not meant to criticise them but its kind of weird...) I thought when we got there, we will be like the weirdest group there as our costumes were lime green colour!!! but than I realise,it's not tat bad at all, in fact it was better looking than the other schools... Some wore all pink(the whole costume was pink!), some were red n black, gold n black n etc... I didnt really see tat carefully... :D When it was finally our turn to go on stage, I was not afriad or terrified at all!!! So amazingly.... :P I didnt have stage fright.... Nomally, I will have it... N this time, I actually felt it was very exciting n fun to go up there!!! When we got down the stage.I actually missed the feeling of going up the stage... Tat's was so weird lol.... Normally, I hate going on stage but this time I loved it so much!!! Wat teacher said was so true!!! About maybe in your whole life, you will go up tat stage there n perform once only..... Never to perform n compete woth other schls again... I really tink this is a eye widening experience for me!!!! I tink thought it was such a great feeling to go up there n perform!!! :D I love it so much!!! Hahas!!! :D About a thing tat was so true was tat in order to partcipate in the SYF again, u have to wait 2 more years later n finally with our atmost hardwork n determination....... I'm happy to anounce tat CO has gotten GOLD!!!! :D (anyways the whole schl already knew about it!!!) (screaming!!!!) I'm still so overjoyued with this news even though it has been 2 days since the results.... I just cant believe CO finally got gold!!!! After 2 rounds of getting silver!!!! Some more, this is mine first time partcipating in SYF n we got a gold!!!!! AMAZING!!!! I'm still so high with the news lol..... :D Tmr Geo test n Maths test!!!! Must study!!!! :D Plus Mid- Year exam start next tue.... 28th April!!!! Jiayou!!!! :D Today Sci test really sucks.... :( Ah!!!! Tmr presentation!!!! I'm going to freak out!!!! :P 5 more days to Mid-Year exam!!!!! Starting with English n Chinese Paper 1 than 12th May will resume exams again starting with Maths Paper 1 n Science Paper!!!!! Work hard!!!!! :D CO got gold!!!!!! :P |
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Today will be a short short post.... :D Past few days got CO training n now it is being extended to 7.30pm for mon,tue n fri? Perhaps... :P Everyday,I'm like so tired than during class want to fall asleep.... But must pay attention to class as exam around the corner so I was like struggling.... :P Yawnz... SYF and Exam around the corner.... :P Jiayou!!! Work hard!!! :D Must do well in exam!!! :P Cant afford to drop.... :P Have to memorise script!!!!! PW presentation on Friday!!!! AH!!!!!!(screaming) 5 more days to SYF!!!! 13 more days to Exam!!! |
Thursday, April 09, 2009
Time Hold Still... (Based on Bella’s decision to join Edward for eternity) Time hold still For me If only for this moment As my soul surrenders To my heart’s resolve When what lies inside Is worn on my sleeve So delicately balancing On the edge of forever While dark skies are beckoning And the prospect of night Shines brighter than the sun With Heaven’s rains now caressing us So clearly painting scenes From my watercolor memory Of what has been And of what will be To be loved As no one soul has known When hope allows destiny To give life to love And sets it free... Sweet kiss deliver me To you 11 more days to SYF!!! Jiayous!!! 19 more days to Mid - Year exam!!! HAPPY 19th BIRTHDAY TO KRISTEN STEWART!!!! :D |
Tmr Public Holiday!!!! Good Friday!!! Yay!!! No need to go to schl!!!! :D But still got Literature n Maths HW.... :( Felicheese lost her HP.... So sad for her... :( She so careless!!!! She lost it yesterday.... :( The whole day, she was sulky... According to her, she said she was tinking of her phone for the whole day... She didnt have any mood for lessons yesterday... At the bus-stop waiting for 113, she kept on complaining her phone missing ,she very sad n etc. N want me to go with her to general office to report her phone lost tiday but in the end i tink she asked Yinleng go with her.... I not sure... :P She 粗心大意!!! :D Dont knw her parents got scold her a not???? :( Bet surely, got scold one... Than she say if her children also like tat, lost their handphone she will not scold instead she will say: " Next time, dont be careless again if not I will not buy u handphone again." I say: " What if the handphone very ex. leh??" She say: " Nvr mind. She will say the exact same thing, dont lost the hp again if not wouldnt buty a new one for the child..." I was like " Wa!! She got a lot of money hor???" If me, I will also scold also than give warning n not like Felicia who will give warnign only n not scold.... I not so generous lol... :P I dont have so much money!!!! Not like her live in terrace one.. :P Where got parents nvr scold their kids when they r in the wrong??? Except for her la.... :P Wonder wat kind of mother she will be when she grow up... :D Too generous le la she... Got money one!!! :D Geography nvr give back test paper.... One week liao lol... :D Wonder when he is giving it back?? Next week??? Than next monday got tat Eng thing,somemore we got CO... How??? Die liao lol... We always get into this kind of problem... The other time was maths buddy n ICT n now this... Why cant teacher spare us??? We really r stressed out espacially those ppl who haven went for SYF....(like us,chinese dance n guitar) So fustrating!!!! The day after our SYF, its wednesday n a school day... 1 week before exam!!!! Wish tat day can take MC, but i tink cannot cos exam around the corner.... :( Will be so exhausted!!!!! :( Stressed out!!!! I feel like screaming!!!!! :D Stupid CCA n exams.... :( ![]() ![]() |
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
![]() A Heart’s Resolve... (Based on Edward’s decision to join Bella, with fate deciding his resting place, upon learning of Bella’s death while in Italy) Falling off the edge To where I’ve never been Feeling though I’ve never felt Moving with the wind Intrepidly taking steps Slower to reach my end To where the sun sets inWhere I’ll be free (of me) Free to be where my heart now rests In deep blue skies If heaven’s gate takes kind to me Thinking back to taste Sweet memories Of you No longer roaming Without a heart to call my home Now free to be with you, free to be near you The one thing keeping me true No longer here to quench my thirst Only Sweet memories Of you |
Today the 8th of April!!!! So fast!!!!!!!! 20 more days to exam!!! Why or why time past so fast???? Today, the whole class wore pe to assembly(most of us,except for some...) which was totally not allowed!!!! But thank goodness,we were not caught by the teacher cos we got valid reason!!! Our valid reason was : MrFauzi cancel the digital story thingy.... Yesterday, he told us today have than in the end, he last minute told us dont have the digital story thing... Than we nvr bring full uniform lol...cos tat digital story was supposed to be during assembly period n we dont need to wear full uniform. But he cancel it at the last minute, which make us have to wear the full uniform... At least,teacher told the discipline teacher... Than 2B the people ask why we dont need to stand than we expain the reason... At first, they say the teachers biased, never punished 2A students except them cos they all also wear pe attire... Thank goodness!!!! If not we have to run around.... I dont know run around where??? But we will get punished lol... Plus today, got so many homework!!!! Got Lit, Maths, Sci (dont knw when hand in)!!!! So sian... Tmr still got English test!!! On grammar.... No need to read anything about grammar lol.... Except vocabulary,than tat one need to read... Exams, test, exams, tests!!!! My head going to explode liao!!!!!! Espacially, during tat period where there was science!!!!!!! Band Got GOLD!!!! :D I'm so happy for them!!! Continue on the excellence work!!! Work hard for 2011 SYF!! For CO, SYF is nearing..... Left 12 more days!!!!!!! OMG lol!!!! Dont knw if we can get GOLD a not???? So scared lol... Cos our aim is to get GOLD!!!! :P Jiayou CO!!!!!!! Must work hard for this remaining 12 days!!!!!!! :D 练琴!!!!! :D 20 more days to Mid - Year exam!!! 12 more days to SYF!!!!! |
Sunday, April 05, 2009
On Friday, I was seriously mad lol.... At some one. Not one but two!!! They totally made me so mad!!! :( Ok,first: This someone(1), told this someone(2) about some big secret about somebody who said something bad at her n she is going to write it down on a blog.... Than hse nvr tell who was the person to me n this girl!!! Instead she told to a girl tat she dont really like,whom all of us kind of hate plus some more is not in our clique.... She told the secret to her and another girl... Left me n this girl,dont knw anything at all.... Is not like we will tell anybody lol... She should tell us as we r her closest friend rather than tell somebody else who she dont really like... Plus the other time we went out than she started complaining about the way how I hold my chopsticks n this n tat... Ya... I know she knows how to hold the chopsticks in a proper way but no need to criticise how people hold their chopsticks wat... Maybe,the way she say it to me was like a word of caution or wat,but I tink its kind of critcising me lol.... Hello??? Not everybody is perfect ok??? Not like u la, a perfectionist just like wat ur starsign say about u... It's exactly the same lol... Dont tink, ur so perfect ok??? Not everybody is perfect in this world, everybody makes mistakes including u too!!! Espacially, the way u talk to people!! Othe rpeople might tink the way u talk to them is like scolding them lol or crticising.... The 2nd thing: The someone(2) tinks she is the next best friend of this girl... (who is one of my friend) she kept on acting around like she know everything at all just becos tat girl told a big big secret to her n another girl but not us... Than the other time we went out,my friend was buying earrings,she was looking at the display case n we were surrounding her. Than the someone(2) also wants to see the earrings cos she also buying. She started to ask us to move away from the display case, she was like excuse me,excuse me... Me n this girl move away lol... We started saying how rude she is lol...although we not buying the earrings,still can see wat kind of design they have... Plus she asks people to print things for her.... Like her printer no ink like tat... Very irritatibg lol!!! Than when u print wrongly,she will scold u like hell!! Like udid something wrongly like tat.... But seriously,when u ask people to help u print,tat person may not print it the way as u want it to be... Somemore,I told her tat I will print it the way tat all the pictures will fit an A4 size paper,she say okay. Next day,she told me too small!!! N also say:"I ask u to print it so tat it can fit on an A3 size paper not on an A4 size paper!!!" Stupid the lol.... She totally never tink before she speak one.. Both of them make me so mad lol!!!!!!!!! Cannot stand them!!! :( |
Thursday, April 02, 2009
ETERNITY: You will always be my only one i will love you unconditionally for always and eternity You smell so lovely as are lips draw near, you see the secret ive been hiding i want you to choose me not him Sometimes i dont think you can see how dangerous i really can be so i ask you why not choose the other man? your answer is sweet like the lullaby i sing I cant wait for eternity with you every day and every night your face will be my gleaming light i do not need heaven if i have forever with you Our love is different human and vampire but to me you are an angel god sent you saved me from my dark and lonely life but now i have you thats all i need to be happy for eternity So sleep my bella dream happy dreams in the morning you will see me do not worry i wont leave you are my everything for always and eternity 19 more days to SYF!!!!!!!!! |
![]() Today Geography Test!!!! OMG!!! I did so badly lol... :( This is so not my normal self.... :( Everytime,when there's exam or test,I will be very calm...but not this time!!! I literally panic lol... :P If the last page the entire question wrong.... I will lost 9 marks!!!!!!! Tat is a lot of marks... n my mother will kill me n I also will kill myself!!!!!! Cos this is counted in Mid-Year!!!!!! I'm so going to die.... Just have to work hard next time lol... :P Jiayou!! :D Teacher gave another test today,geography...(class test) It's even more difficult than the one we took in the morning lol... the terracing n the soil-less farming thig, I nvr go n read!!! So difficult.... My brain litterally going to burst... :P Why teacher set so difficult the paper?????? Some more, 1 page only n the whole test is out of 20 marks, same as the weekly test!!!!!! Teacher is so evil!!!!!!!!!! :D Science lesson so fun!!!!! Stack textbooks on empty egg shells!!! 4of it!!! :D So fun lol!!! We stack 23.3kg worth of books.... :D Plus, I have to write out the script for the whole group...(PW group) I haven even do it!!!! Youling pass me the thumbdrive n ask me to write the script!!!!!!! :( I dont know how to do leh... How????? Tmr,rehearsal for presentation... Thank goodness, its 2B science teacher going to asess us... N not Mr Kang. If not, I wouldnt even dare to say anything at all cos he will be always can talk louder a not or got a lot of comment... :P I dont know how to write script!!!!!! Anyway, I going to summarise every slide than tmr I give youling n she decide who say which slide... Mavolyn go wushu competition than she have band practice, left me to do the script... :( Dont knw why she cannot ask Jiahao to do... Anyway,i agree to do the script liao... Nothing,I can do liao.. At least,I got contribute something important to the group... Tat's the best!!! :D Dont say I nvr contribute anything to the group.... I contribute lots of time on it lol... Until, I want to die lol.. So tired!!!!!!!! |
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
Poem: Jacob's version of how he sees Bella You sit there, smiling, But not at me. It could never be me again,I t will always be him. You love him, like you love me. Why can't you see that? Can't you see that I love you, The same way he does. He's not right for you. He's not a human. It's against nature, for prey to love a predator. You'd be better off with me. You're marrying him. And turning into him. How much more insane could you be? Bella, please Bella. Please be the same Bella I knew. The one that loved me, The one that needed me, The one that I've always loved. |
Today April Fool's Day!!! :D In the morning, Shihui go n pull my bag say wat for April Fool's day one... :P I still dont understand why she pull my bag... For fun ba.. :D Lessons very boring... :( Still got maths homework to do!!! Thought today got Geography test but teacher nvr give!! So happy... :D But tmr got geography test(weekly test)!!!! Set by 2B geo teacher, Ms Ang CB... 2B, always make fun of her name lol... :P Friday still got geography test, class test!!!! Sian lols... I rather today have.... :( Stay back for co practice... So funny,we stay for 30 mins only... :D But we got at least practice a little bit... :D At least,better than nothing.. :P Youling keep on calling me April.... Thank goodness, my parents didnt name me tat... :D Run with Shuhui during pe lesson for 2.4km cos she nvr run the other time as she got flu... Run with her the 2nd round!!! Mavolyn also got run with us... Thank goodness,she got pass the 2.4km run!!! :D She ran faster than Felicia..( Felichesse) Haha!! 20 more days to SYF!!! |