"What is trust to you?"
and to me, it's just something easy to lose in somebody and hard to build.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009

One week nvr post le... Cos seriously nth to post! :D Hehe!!

Today so funny lol... Espacially geo lesson,so interesting... Mr Chia was like going through yesterday's hw,the 2nd page was talking about "Saving water",the amount of water use for showering,brushing teeth,flushing toilet,washing, etc. something like tat... He talk to the part about flushing toilet than say waste so much water just to flush a toilet,must well use the basin,the best! Everybody was laughing lol... so disgusting la.. Urine in the basin... Some more he said when washing the basin not put the stopper thing,if not when ur sister wash her face with tat water,after tat found out ,why got so many pimples?? Haha!! So funny lol... :D(I dont even knw wat i'm talking about??) Say wash hair wash in the toilet bowl... Disgusting!! :P

He also told us about child birth..(i tink so) At tat time,he was talking about how woman r much stronger in man... He say they have to pull the placenta out of the woman stomach?? So disgusting lol... Like playing tug-of-war... He say until very disgusting n like really pain like tat. Shuhui keep on saying next time she grow up,she dont want to give birth to children.. Like how tat's not possible?? :D

Today's lesson was enjoyable at least... Maths,Ms Lartha taught us more of factorisation.. So difficult lol,the questions tat were on the last page!!! Art,we have to draw the "chocolate bar" again. Sian.. :( Draw 3D models n a robot.. Chinese,okay okay. Mdm Tan,as usual,always say funny stuff... :D Science,also okay lol... Mr Kang taught about Atoms. He call on me during lesson. Asking me wat is the mass of neutron. I nvr ans him than finally i say dont knw... :( I thought he going to scold me lol... Scary sia!!! Now i knw the mass of neutron,is 1!!! Proton also the same.. Dont really knw this topic!!! Die!!! Some more tmr got sci test,must stay back!!! Sci Test Tmr!!! Die!!! :( Really must study le!!! If not the whole of the year,I will be so dead.... :(

Going to revise for tmr sci test... :P

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someone you gotta know


Name: sherlyn:D
Gender: female
Age: 14 this year but coming to 15 soon..
Date of Birth: Born on 21st Nov 95,Year of Pig!
School: Formally a rosythian but now a Yuyingrian!
A Scorpio
Love blue n purple colours!!:D
Love chocolates, sweets n food tat r nice
Hates food n things tat r disgusting
Most of all, hates ppl tat r rude n irritating!
A fan of 罗志祥 n a lover of Twilight!!:D
I ♥ Twilight! ♥ Boys Over Flowers!! ♥ Hello Kitty! :D ♥ You're Beautiful!!
Peeking chocolates

Reading: Boy Meets Girl
Eating: nothing
Drinking: water
Playing: my DS
Thinking: You're Beautiful♥ is nice to watch!! :D
Wants: Pig-Rabbit♥, the star necklace!!♥
Star Necklace!♥!
Good Results
Go to Japan and Korea


Music Playlist at MixPod.com

some place you gotta scream

some where you gotta leave to

1B 08' 2A 09' Chinese Orchestra 5 Superiors Fongmin♥♥ Angel♥♥ Shuhui♥♥ Youling♥ Xiuping♥ Shihui♥ QiQi♥ Elsie♥ Chunyan♥ Joyce♥ Szemin♥ Xiaopin♥ Isabel♥ Isabelle Jingyi Yenna Enqi Stephanie Sarah Andrea Tianyi Yuanhui Xiaojun Xinyuan Weiting Tingfang Guifang Harrison Syuhada Zuhe Yixuan Hongxing Chinkeong Jiawei Dilon Mingchuan Jeremy Cien Ziying Jiayi Yanjun Vincere Xinyi Vivian Crystal
My Idols:D♥

Boys Over Flowers♥ Fansite Boys Over Flowers♥ Fansite SS501♥ Fansite Vampire Diaries♥ FanSite New Moon♥ Official Site Twilight♥ Fansite Twilight♥ Fansite Twilight♥ Fansite Stephenie Meyer♥ Jolin Tsai;蔡依林 Show Luo;罗志祥♥ Danson Tang;唐禹哲 Farenhiet;飞轮海 Genie Zhuo;卓文萱

some time you gotta forget

July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010

someone I gotta thanks

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