Thursday, January 29, 2009
![]() ![]() ![]() Found this bella doll!!! So cute!!! N edward doll n rosalie doll also got others la... :D Their eyes wrong colour one.. Bella's eye is supposed to be brown not blue!!! :D(as said by Fongmin) There r also other Twilight dolls there.... :D all this information from :D I tink Dakota Fanning will be acting as Jane in NewMoon!! It has been confirmed!!! :D Not tat sure yet.... |
I found this countdown on New Moon the movie!!! Haha!! I put it for fun because it looks interesting.... :P I cant wait!!!! :D Twilight rules!!! :D I cant believe the release date is 1 day before my birthday!!! |
Today,im not going to write anything at all.... :D I'm going to write quotes from the Twilight saga!!! :P Quotes: Before you, Bella, my life was like a moonless night. Very dark, but there were stars- points of light and reason. And then you shot across my sky like a meteor. Suddenly everything was on fire; there was brilliancy, there was beauty. When you were gone, when the meteor had fallen over the horizon, everything went black. Nothing had changed, but my eyes were blinded by the light. I couldn't see the stars anymore. And there was no more reason for anything. Bella: I love you more than everything else in the world combined. Isn't that enough? Edward: Yes, it is enough. Enough for forever. Bella: I love you. Edward: You are my life now. Bella: I know who I can't live without. Edward: If I could dream at all,it would be about you. And I'm not ashamed of it. Bella: So what you're saying is, I'm your brand of heroin? Edward: Yes, you are exactly my brand of heroin. Alice: It's been almost a century that Edward's been alone. Now he's found you. You can't see the changes that we see, we who have been with him for so long. Do you think any of us want to look into his eyes for the next hundred years if he loses you? So nice!!!! :D Apparently.Fongmin also have this on her blog.... :D(the moonless night one only) :P |
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Today is the 3rd day of Chinese New Year!!!! But no holiday.... Still must go back to schl. :( YAY!!! I didnt fail my sci test!!!! Thank goodness!!! But I got lesser marks than shuhui,sohyee n tinching... So sad:( I only got 19/30. It's okay la...but i tink is quite bad lol. I didnt get 20 n above unlike sohyee n tinching wh ogot 22 n shuhui got 21!!!! Felicia got 22 leh... i only get 19. A bit sad lol... But at least I didnt fail,that'a wat im glad about. :D I will try harder one!!!! This class test will be counted in CA1!!!! ARGH!!!! Still a bit sad about the marks.... Can do better one lol. Lots of careless mistakes!!!! So going to kill myself for tat!!!! :( Today,i ask Felicia why she finish the book so fast???? She say when she go to ppl house n visit,she brought the book along with her... But still can read so fast??? AMAZING... She must have really gone mad le lol... Haha!!! :D She ask me why I read so slow,1 month not enough time to finish reading meh?? I say mostly I will read it but if busy than cannot read lol... She still say I read very slow... Like she can read damn fast lol... Im not like her,got so much time. But if during long holidays,I can read it in one month. School days,than slower lol... Some more,I tell her,New Moon have more pages than Twilight which only has 400+ pages. New Moon has 500+ pages... I also ask Fongmin wat i should call her,she say chocolate :D The same as me... She really crazy liao.... :P (Felicia) Today also got tat stupid fire drill!!! The weather so hot lol... The sun was like scorching hot??? N we had to sit down there in the parade square,under the hot hot sun!!!! Stupid lol!!! Some more its 1pm the sun which was like so strong... Sure get sunburn. :( Later still have to go Youling house to do project work.Sian!!!! :P |
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Happy Chinese New Year everybody!!! It's the year of the ox but some ppl say its cow... Dont knw why??? Mooooo year!!! Haha!! :D The eve of Chinese New Year,i sent so many sms.... :P A lot of ppl also sent me la. Really must say thank you!! :D Hehe!!! I ate 2 reunion dinners not one only on 2 separate days. 1 on Saturday n the other on Sunday. Also got lots of Hongbaos!!! YAY!!! :D I wonder how many??? Also ate a lot of goodies but thank goodness didnt gain a lot of weight. I find tat 2 days of Chinese New Year not enough leh... My mother say last year got 3 days of Chinese New Year!!! So good... I dont want go back to schl tmr!!!! :( Sci teacher sure go through sci test paper!!! N all of us will be dead meat...including me!!! I scared i fail leh... :( Wish I wil not fail my sci test!!!! I got study for sci test leh!!! Not let me fail...please.... :( So scared!!!! ARGH!!!! Sad.... :( I going crazy liao.... :P Next week,still visiting relatives n my mother's friend... :D So will get more hongbaos!!! :D Tat's the only thing,im looking forward to... Fongmin call me chocolate instead of cockroach le... So glad sia. I really hate the nickname cockroach lol... Cos I hate cockroaches n lots of other insects!!!! They r disgusting!!!!! :( I wonder wat should I call fongmin/silva??? Maybe tmr I ask her.... :D Oh ya,just now Felicia sms me saying if she can borrow my New Moon the book. I was like shock lol.... Because of 2 reasons. 1 was,i haven finish reading the book yet,im stuck at pg 294,6 pages than im at pg 300!!! :D So how can i lend her the book??? And the other was, how can she finish reading Twilight the book in 4 DAYS??? 4 DAYS???? Not really 4 days la... Friday,I ask her where she's reading at. She said she's reading Chapter 9: Scary Stories. How can she finish reading it??? Left like 300+ over pages lol... N she finish reading the remaining 300+pages in Friday... AMAZING!!!! I cant even do tat.... :P |
Friday, January 23, 2009
Today Chinese New Year celebration!!! I didnt go back to my primary lazy le!! :D Today co performance!!! So scary lol... I was on the stage than everybody down there is like looking at u!!! I didnt even dare to look down lol... Freaky!!!! I just lept on looking at teacher!! Haha!! My hand was like shivering lol... Thank Goodness,I tink make any mistakes unlike Felicia who say she did... After schl,Xiaopin came into our class n say she saw Felicia on stage... she suddenly appear behing me lol. Scare me to death,i thought who was behind me?? She say Felicia like ghost like tat,with her hair falling to her face!!! Haha!!! Her fringe too lang liao... :D She also say she saw Shuhui, Tinching,Peiyi,Cheryl n Joyce but not me,Sohyee n Isabel. Almost everybody say tat they saw Shuhui n Tinching partly because they sit in a place where it's very obvious to the crowd... Apparently,nobody saw me! I tink it's because Felicia block me from the crowd but I dont mind it cos I dont want anybody to see me!!! :P Sohyee sit the furthest away from the crowd,deep inside the stage... Elsie also. Walk back home today. No,I should say partly cos the rest is take bus 112 with Felicia n Tinching!! So surprised tat Felicia can take bus 112 lol... Cos she always take bus 113 or 62. I thought they dissapeared lol... Cos dont knw who say go back to class than we all go back to class,Felicia n Tinching nvr follow. Tinching ask me got saw a lot of cockroach a not? I said Yes!! Amazing lol... I walk under the HDB flats,downstairs there,ground level. Suddenly,saw many cockroaches!!! So disgusting!!! :( They must be spraying the intesticide... But the thing is tat why there r so many cockroaches on the floor,like they came out from nowhere,like they have been always on the floor not hiding at all. I bet they did something to attract the cockroaches to come out... Freaky!!! Some of them r like crushed n I saw one tat its still moving(the legs)!!!! Eeeeeeeeeee!!!! I'm terribly scared of insects!!! :( Well I tink now I have problems with maths n science. Maths is the factorisation(grouping) thing which is so complicating!!! I relly have to blame myself for not attending tat tution lesson!! I so regret it lol.... Exams sure come out with tat kind of questions,than I will be so dead!!! I knw a bit of it,the rest,not tat sure... Only this topic,I have problems with,the rest okay... Science,still a bit confusing,always get messed up!! The worst is when doing open-ended questions,when I dont knw how to answer n I will freak out!! I wish my results wouldnt drop this year!!! I think tat will be my New Year wish,to study hard for year 2009!!! Cos this year streaming!!! ARGH!!!! :( |
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Argh!!! Tmr have performance!!! Chinese New Year Performance!!! I'm so scared!!!! :P The whole schl will see us performing lol... My hand sure will start shivering...!!! :P Today,got sci test!!! So scary lol... I'm sure will get lots of wrong.. Currently,there's one question i got it wrong,i tink it's worth 2 marks!!!:P Mr Kang like very mad at us lol... Cos he thought we knw everything about the chapter of Particulate Model Of Model.. But when he gave us the ws to do n mark it,he realise tat we dont really knw the chapter!! 2A got so much stress lol... Teacher some more teach very fast until u dont even knw wat he is talking about,even if r also reading the notes... Maths lesson,Ms Lartha gave us another factorisation ws,very difficult lol!!! She say very easy,easy my foot! Than say wat we 2A,sure have no problem in doing this ws. I cant believe i have difficulty doing this chapter!!! Argh! I nvr went for tuition lesson on this topic!!! Factorisation(grouping)!!! If not,i will knw hw to do lol!!! So angry lol... I tink im going to ask my father... I'm so dead,if this topic comes out in test!!! I dont even understand how to do it at all...except for some la. The rest terrible!!! :( Tmr,no need to bring any books!!! YAY!!! But have to perform,I HATE IT!!!! :( Have to bring costume,shoes,makeup! I tink no more le... Sian!!! But after performance no need to stay back practice... Ask teacher today,she say after performance,can go home le!!! YAY!!! Teacher so good!!! :D Next Sunday,maybe going newater plant for project work.... Still reading NewMoon the book!!! At pg 274!!! I tink maybe by next month,I will finish reading the book... Now too busy,not enough time to read NewMoon... :( So sad.... Cant wait for NewMoon the movie!!! Hooray!!! :D 2 more months to go till they start fliming NewMoon the movie n also the release of Twilight the movie DVD!!! I want to buy it,if not,I ask my mother go n rent it... HAHA!!! :D But I tink buying it,is better... Than my mother will say use my own money n buy!!!! :( |
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
One week nvr post le... Cos seriously nth to post! :D Hehe!! Today so funny lol... Espacially geo lesson,so interesting... Mr Chia was like going through yesterday's hw,the 2nd page was talking about "Saving water",the amount of water use for showering,brushing teeth,flushing toilet,washing, etc. something like tat... He talk to the part about flushing toilet than say waste so much water just to flush a toilet,must well use the basin,the best! Everybody was laughing lol... so disgusting la.. Urine in the basin... Some more he said when washing the basin not put the stopper thing,if not when ur sister wash her face with tat water,after tat found out ,why got so many pimples?? Haha!! So funny lol... :D(I dont even knw wat i'm talking about??) Say wash hair wash in the toilet bowl... Disgusting!! :P He also told us about child birth..(i tink so) At tat time,he was talking about how woman r much stronger in man... He say they have to pull the placenta out of the woman stomach?? So disgusting lol... Like playing tug-of-war... He say until very disgusting n like really pain like tat. Shuhui keep on saying next time she grow up,she dont want to give birth to children.. Like how tat's not possible?? :D Today's lesson was enjoyable at least... Maths,Ms Lartha taught us more of factorisation.. So difficult lol,the questions tat were on the last page!!! Art,we have to draw the "chocolate bar" again. Sian.. :( Draw 3D models n a robot.. Chinese,okay okay. Mdm Tan,as usual,always say funny stuff... :D Science,also okay lol... Mr Kang taught about Atoms. He call on me during lesson. Asking me wat is the mass of neutron. I nvr ans him than finally i say dont knw... :( I thought he going to scold me lol... Scary sia!!! Now i knw the mass of neutron,is 1!!! Proton also the same.. Dont really knw this topic!!! Die!!! Some more tmr got sci test,must stay back!!! Sci Test Tmr!!! Die!!! :( Really must study le!!! If not the whole of the year,I will be so dead.... :( Going to revise for tmr sci test... :P |
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Just came back from schl... so tired:( Today sec 1 orientation,choose the cca they want... The whole chinese orchestra have to stay back n play the song for them to hear... Looks like not a lot of ppl want to join co... Haha!! I tink they scared of 丁老师 lol.... See the looks on their faces can see le... Teacher make us sit in front,so scary lol. She say she cannot hear me play than say Felicia among the three of us,me,felicia n shihui,she's the most... I always dont play loud loud one like Felicia always do. I no strength!!Haha!! Some more the air-con very cold lol... I was basically shivering including my legs than my hand also very cold. Actually,teacher wanted us to stay until 6pm than ask us go for break. When we came back,she dissapeared,no where to be seen... Some one told us can go home le,dont need to stay until 6pm!!! So happy!!! Finally can go home!!:D Tmr,still have co practice. Sian.... :( Last month ,finish reading Twilight the book!!! Yay!! Currently,reading New Moon. At the part where is very boring(to me but maybe to others,its not) Now at pg 259....considered very slow le. By now,I should be at pg 300+... Partly bcos no time to read it,got too much hw.. :( Also bought Breaking Dawn the book, the only book left out in my list, is Eclipse the book. If not I would have the Twilight saga books!!!! Went to see in the internet where some websites sell Twilight stuffs... Got one website selling Bella's engagement ring which is oval in shape n in the shape is a lot of diamonds.The ring tat has real diamonds in it cost $2000+,than the fashion ring cost $59.90,if im not wrong... It is being authorised by Stephenie Meyer!!! They also selling Rosalie's necklace n Alice's choker from the movie... So many stuff there,I didn't even get to finish seeing wat other stuff they have... Watch finish Twilight the movie!!! Cant wait for New Moon the movie!! It should be in theatres by the end of the year,2009!!! YAY!!! They havent even started to flim the movie yet... March than start fliming. So glad Taylor who acted as Jacob in Twilight the movie will be continuing acting in New Moon the movie!!! They actually plan to ask some one else to act as Jacob in New Moon cos Jacob's character changes dramatically in New Moon n also a rather important,big role,totally different in Twilight where he had only a small role in it... Love twilight!!!! :D Lol.... Mad about it,totally crazy about it... Haha!!!:P |
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Dedicated to Tinching!!!! :D HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO TINCHING!!!!!:D Officially 15 years old!!! Must grow up hor!!! Dont be so pervertic le!!! MR BEAN!!!!:D Anyways wish u a happy 15th birthday!!!Hope u like ur birthday present!!:P |
The first week of schl over le!!! Have to say last week was kind of fun getting to knw of the teachers tat r teaching my class... Mr Fauzi as usual very boring,always say stuff tat r not relevant to the eng subject. 2B good lol!!! Got Mr Daniel as their eng teacher!! I want lol... :P But their geography teacher is Ms Ang!!! Haha!!!:D Literature teacher still Ms Lam(Ah Lam) ,so sad... Second week of schl just started yeaterday.... As usual,yesterday,Monday,have co so boring.... At first thought everbody will practice togother as one group but teacher nvr come than practice by ourselves. Boring.... :( Some more thur have to stay back cos sec 1s choosing cca n we r supposed to play a song for them,the same as last year where they also play a song for us... I dont want to stay back leh!!! Got P.E!!! Run 1.2 km,around the schl. Everbody run until like crazy,after tat all tired... Including me. Nxt week,beep test... :( Today schl as per normal.... D&T lesson we did the Pro/Desktop thingy. We r supposed to follow instructions to draw out a table. Sohyee n I always did something wrong n we have to keep on asking teacher. I tink the teacher very fustrated with us cos the last time I ask him something,he didnt answer me... Eng lesson still the same boring as ever. Mr Fauzi talk about the GCE O'Level Results tat were release yesterday. He totally repeated the same old thing tat Mr Goh,the new principal said in the morning during assembly. Saying tat the Sec 5 normal stream ppl did very well while the Sec 4 express stream pupils didnt do so well. He said he dosent want tat to happen again when we r Sec 4 n r taking the O' Level,2 yrs from nw... Thank goodness,his period only 30 mins n we have reading session,who knws how long will he keep talking?? After schl,taking bus back with isabelle n felicia. Isabelle say everytime they have the Ms Ang lesson(geography),the whole class go crazy. She say today very funny in her class. A lot of funny stuffs,I was laughing like mad!! So funny lol!!! Say wat she hand up the hw to the teacher but the teacher thought she nvr hand up the hw,scold her. Isabelle so angry lol.... During the class,she say to elsie tat she really felt like beating Ms Ang up, Bryan who was sitting behind Elsie heard it,he told everybody in the class by passing it to Guo Liang(I tink so)than like tat,slowly got pass down to the class... I cant believe how much fun they r having,laughing like mad there in class everyday if therse is Ms Ang lesson.N she say,they complain to the form teacher,Mrs Yoong tat Ms Ang teach very lousy n so on. Mrs Yoong also laugh at the remarks,nvr scold them at all. Than Bryan say something about going to the principal's office to complain about Ms Ang... :D Other teachers tat r teaching 2A: Geography - Mr Chia D&T - Mr Choo P.E - Mr Woo C.M.E - Mdm Tan Literature - Ms Chan Art - Mr Dzul(Mr Ong,relieve teacher for 1 month) Oh ya! Xiaopin also gave me something,a birthday card! Anyway,its like 2 months ago le... Haha!!:D But thanks Xiaopin!!! For remembering my birthday!!!:D Thank U!!!:P |
Friday, January 02, 2009
Today 1st day of school!!!! Officially went back to school liao... I'm nw in 2A,no more 1B!!!! So sad :( So tiring... Have to wake up at 6am!!! :( I tink today the 1st day of school,quite nice la... not so bad as I had thought. At least,can see my friends again!!! :D So happy can see xiaopin again. About one month,I never see her liao... :D The teachers tat r teaching 2A: Form Teacher/Chinese teacher - Mdm Tan(1A's form teacher) EL Teacher - Mr Fauzi(i tink spell like tat....) aka Mr Fussy(tat's wat people call him,he say tat himself!!!) Maths Teacher - Ms Lartha(Sian....) Sci Teacher - Mr Kang(1A's sci teacher) The others I dont knw yet... Cos I havent get the timetable. 2B EL teacher is Mr Daniel!!! So good!!! I want lol... Last year,he teach us 1B,History. His lesson so damn fun!!! Our EL teacher like so boring lol... Plus we have hw to do on the 1st day of school!!! Damn it!!! :( Elsie dont have hw lol... So good!!! Cos she in 2B... Mr Fauzi say our EL,we must at least get B3!!! Tat's the maximum!!! He's stressing us lol... The Mr Kang keep on looking at Tinching... He keep on looking on Tinching becos her last year end of year result was so impressive... Tinching smart la... :P Haha!! He kept on calling Tinching, "Ms Tan". So funny!!!:D I would bet from now on Mr Fauzi's lesson will be so damn boring like Mdm Leong's geography lesson. Cos the way they talk is monotone,in a straight line... I want to go to 2B n not 2A!!!!! :( |