Thursday, July 30, 2009
![]() ![]() ![]() Pics: 1. outing 2. pizza(made by me n enqi) 3.curry puff or dumpling toy. n some random guessing game 4. my stuff toy 5. a face tat was drawn by a few of my classmates. Funny! :P Labels: photos(: |
Hiiiii!!!!! This my 103rd post!!!! :D So happy!!!! :D But got homework to do.... :( Yesterday's hw... Today is Show Luo's birthday!!!! I wish him a happy birthday!!! From Singapore here even though I cannot see him... :( HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! :D Wish u be happy forever!!! :D Haha!!! [: Smile always XD Yesterday,very funny!!! We ate biscuits in class secretly.... :D Teacher didnt find out lol... Some more during History class leh... :P He gave us a break becos he saw us very tired liao.(his lesson was 1hr 30min,who wouldnt be tired ar??) Plus me,shuhui,sohyee n tinching very hungry!!!! We didnt eat recess cos we were doing our hw!! N so we decided to eat the biscuits tat me n tinching brought!!! Enqi,Angel they all also very hungry... Thank goodness,tinching got another packet of biscuit n gave it to enqi,angel they all. All of us gather around shuhui's table to eat the biscuit! So funny lol!!! Everybody gather around there like illegal gathering like tat. More n more ppl came cos they were also very hungry! I tink teacher got suspicious n came to our area there where shuhui is sitting... But anyway,the biscuits we all ate it up!!! Haha!!! Zuhe ask me still got biscuit? I replied him left the crumps only! :P Sorry Zhue ar!!! U came to late liao. By the time u came,all the biscuits have been eaten up cos we were too hungry!! Today,Harrison ask me got biscuits a not,i say eat finish liao.(today i also brought biscuits to schl.Chicken biscuits!! :D But were ate up by me,shuhui,tinching n sohyee. Sohyee ate only 1 piece than she dont want liao. Remainder ate up by me,shuhui n tinching.) Shuhui also brought biscuits but i tink tat is meant for her lunch... Cos today she got sudoku competition!!!! :D I wish her all the best!!!! Must do well hor Shuhui!!! Not to mention enqi n the 3 other guys.... I forget who went to the competition!! :) So good lol...they left early for the competition n we were left alone in the sci lab... Mr Kang make us walk up n down lol... LOL. To the classroom n to the sci lab... :( He like very angry lol...(can see tat) Mr Fauzi make us all go to the toilet cos we were like weary n our eyes like going to close liao. He brought us all to the toilet!!! So funny lol!!!! It's like the whole class got toilet.... Never see whole class go toilet together before!!! :P He keep on talking n talking..... So BORING!!!! About persuasive essay... Talking about essay,I hate them... :( I prefer Ms Oh class lol... At least,she more fun than Mr Fauzi!!! She teaches us for most of the periods but only on thursday the double period,is Mr Fauzi's turn... Why 2 peroids is his lesson??? Have to hear him talk non-stop for 1 hr 30mins!!!! I was like going to doze off liao.... Hes even worse than Mr Lim(Hist teacher)!!!! At least,Mr Lim wont talk in a boring way....he talk with actions. Coming to 7 months liao,I still find Mr Fauzi's lesson boring cos it has always been boring... NO FUN AT ALL!!!! :P I'm not trying to say bad stuff about him but its the truth... :D |
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Change blogskin!!!!:D I tink this skin is nicer than the former one tat i used!! :P Long time nvr update cos no time! :D Its not no time la...its just lazy to update lol... :D I cant be bothered to update!:P Haha!! :D Too many homework to do these days n so many test to study for!!!! :( Sad lol!!! Got so many stuff to do!! History was okay but i dont know how much i got for my History test!!! Mr Lim said 2-3 weeks than he will return the paper back!!! :O I was like wat??! 2-3 weeks????!!! He mark paper so long lol... :P Even longer than Ms Latha.... Last time,Ms Latha teach 4 classes of maths n whenever theres maths test,she always mark the paper so fast than return back to us. But Mr Lim leh...teach 3 classes of History including class 2A,yet mark so slow lol... Dont know wat he marking must mark until 2-3 weeks later than return us the paper. I want to see the paper lol...I wish i dont fail the paper!!! :P 2-3 weeks later is already the starting of a new month lol... August than he will return us back!!!:( Also got Maths test which i tink did very badly even thought i havent seen it yet... Its better if she dont return it back to us... i dont want to see it anyway since I knew I did badly in it.. Alot of ppl protest say dont want the paper to be counted it in the CA mark. I also protest!! Cos if she counted the marks in,my whole CA mark will be pull down lol... Like my last semester CA mark which i got D7!!! :( I cant believe I got a D7 lol... Hehe! I dont tink she will count in the marks lol!!! Tat will be the best!! :D YAY!!! Today also got Home Econ revision test!!! On Chap 1-2!!! Today than she tell us lol... So angry sia.. :< She didnt even inform us beforehand lol than give us test n expect us to revise Chap 1-2 within 10 mins!!! Crazy lol... I didnt managed to finish revising... :( Some of the questions I dont knw how to do than anyhow write answer... HAHA!!:D I DONT CARE ABOUT THE TEST LE LA!!! AS long I pass can liao... :P CCA resume after 2 weeks break... :( So sian lol... Have to go back CO!!!! But so far,we very relax during CO time.. Espacially,last Friday,ying ying lao shi never come instead Ding lao shi came!!! We all so scared lol.... But,Ding lao shi only taught the new students, nvr care about us... We practice for a while. After tat,we gave ourselves a long long break!!! We play until CO end at 5.30pm!!! :D So fun lol... :P Bought the 7-Eleven thing!!! The Mr Men & Little Miss!!! So cute lol!!! They r in a ball n each ball cost $1.80 but inside got 2 of them!!! :D So far,i got 2 Mr Small,1 Miss Sunshine(thanks to Chunyan!),1 Miss Shy n 1 Mr Greedy!!!! Very cute!!!!!!!!! I also bought the file!!! :D Fongmin bought the Mr Greedy stuff toy!!! SO CUTE!! Mr Greedy always hold a cookie!! :D I want Miss Chatterbox,Mr Bump n Mr Happy!!!!!! Shuhui got Miss Chatterbox n Mr Happy!!!! I WANT LOL!!!!!!!!!! :D Past few days,went to the Zoo to do CIP(fake one! Didnt do CIP lol... Looks more like visiting the zoo n spending the half day in there) n Orchard Road. Went to the 2 new shopping centre. Orchard Central n ION Orchard!!! Both so nice n beautiful!!! But Orchard Central inside there nothing yet... ION Orchard got mote things lol... 4 BASEMENTS PLUS 4 LEVELS above the ground!!! Wich makes 8 Levels!!!! There were so many ppl there,packed like sardine!!!! HAHA!! I want to go ION Orchard again!!! I didnt managed to finish walking in there!!!!! :D |