Thursday, November 27, 2008
3 more days than i'm going Australia!!!! So happy!!!:D YAY!!!! Havent pack luggage yet.... :D Will buy presents for u all de... Sohyee,Tinching,Shuhui n Xiaopin. Actually wanted to buy presents for elsie n isabelle de,but they say dont need. Nvr mind lol,I will buy for the 4 of them!! Hehe!! Today went for ICT. Luckily,I was not late for the lesson,in fact I reach earlier than felicia leh!!! Reach same time as shuhui!! Haha!! We kept on talking lol,sit there do nothing except talk n talk. We realise nobody liao except us only,than we quickly went upstairs. Late for lesson!!! Teacher taught about the microsoft excel. How do use it n other stuffs. After tat,can play com. We all play "re wu jie". A dancing game but is chinese de.. Very fun!!!:D Some more can choose wat song u want to dance to. I choose all 罗志祥 song!!!! After tat,when Heartland Mall n bought present for erm.....(Only me,sohyee n tinching knw only. Cannot say who cos in case the person come to my blog n saw wat I write than not a surprise liao...) We went to a lot of shops to see anything tat is nice n cute for a present. In the end,we decided on buying the cute cute dog from watsons!!! The dog very cute leh... So soft!!!! :P Also went Popular n see whether got the Twilight the book a not... The international one. Dont have!!! Only have the movie cover one!!!! They also have the Breaking Dawn the book. The 4th book in the Twilight series. Have to wait for 1 more week than the international book of Twilight arrive. Everywhere out of stock liao!!!!:P Just nw watching 转角遇到爱!!! The 心蕾 so kelian... She tell 秦朗 tat she like him than he like nvr tell her,he like her. Instead,ask her to leave. So sad... :( Im so crazy about Twilight!!!! :D I love Twilight!!!!:P Must dos: Buy Twilight the book Watch Twilight the movie Watch finish 转角遇到爱 练琴.... sian.... No choice. |
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Yay!!!!! Im finally 13 years old liao!!!! But the sad thing is tat I spent my birthday in camp,have training!!!:( The camp not fun at all.... Play n play... Now leh,got so many zit on my face!! got two!!! I dont want to have zit!!!!:( Tinching thought I celebrated my birthday with a birthday cake but no,I celebrated my birthday with ice-cream at swensen's!!!! The ice-cream so nice!!!!:D Now so boring!!!! Today finally the last co training!!!! YAY!!! No more training liao!!! Wait until next month the 29th Dec than start training again! But still have to practice la...... Teacher wants us to get gold leh!!! GOLD!!! For SYF next year! Very scared,I cannot practice well enough!!! I'm freaking out!!!! ARGH!!! Somebody help me n get me out of this mess!!!!!:( Just nw watch 转角遇到爱. Very funny!!! Haha!! Cant wait for tmr's episode!!! Just nw,Peiyi call me want to go back school tmr to train my ourselves??? I say i dont knw leh,if elsie going than I also go... In the end,elsie not going,so I also not going lol.... I very lazy la. dont want to go back to school liao,anyway thursday also have to go back to school for ITC!!!! LOL... :D The book tat I want to buy,sold out liao!!!! Twilight the book sold out liao!!! So sad,cannot buy the book!!!! I saw the other version of the book...but my mother say the cover not nice so nvr buy(I also tink the cover page not nice! Haha!! :P) Went popular n ask,the sales lady say two weeks later than the stock will come(the book). Today,in school,I borrow the book from sylvia n read a bit of it! Very exciting!!!:D The book she bought was the book i say the cover was not nice de... I cant wait for the book!!!!!P I also want to watch the movie which opens in cinemas on the 18th of December!!! |
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Today is 18th of november!!!! 3 more days till my birthday!!!!:D So happy!!!! But co camp will also be starting on thur..... Sian!!!!!:( I have to celebrate my birthday during co camp!!!! So sad:( My mother say we will be taking the A380 to australia!!!! The A380 leh!!! The big big aeroplane!!! Hehe!!:D N we will be the only family in this whole trip.... N ya,tmr still have to go back to schl for ICT!!! But only for two hours so nvr mind... I want to watch High School Musical 3,Senior Year n Twilight!!!! I had the sudden urge to watch Twilight... It looks kind of nice,the movie... It talks about a love story between a vampire n a human. Quite interesting to me... I also want to read the books on Twilight!!!(the movie is adapted from the book) A total of four books!!!! I see whether I an borrow the books from the library a not,if not i go ask my mother to buy for me the book!!! Haha!!!:P 3 more days till my birthday!!!:D |
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
9 more days till my birthday!!!! :D 19 more daya till im going to australia!!!:D YAY!!! Hehe!!!!:P |
I change blogskin again!!!!! :D I got bored with the former blogskin i have liao.... Haha!! Went to n saw so many nice nice the blogskin n went to take a look n i accidentally stumpled on this blogskin which was really pretty n nice!!(Is the blogskin tat im using now!) N decided to download it!!!:D Isabelle change into the blogskin tat is the same as mine but is just tat she go n change the background into black colour which is still nice anyway... :D She so smart lol,know how to change the background colour n everything so its like I got any problem with my blogskin,I go n ask her... :P Hehe!! I dont really know about blogskins la... :D Just now went heymaths do the assianment!! Overdue de!!! Haha!!! But at least still can submit!!:P Just wish teacher will not scold for submitting an overdue work!! At least I got do leh,not like I never do..... :P Overdue on 5th nov!!! After 7 days than I do... Haha!! Also saw got another maths assignment,due on 21st dec... I tink must do on fulscap paper. 30 questions leh!!!!Die liao!!!! :P My mother ask me to do 15 questions first... But I dont feel like doing. :( Heard isabelle get scolded.... dont knw who??? I tink is her father cos she always say her father scold her cos she play com(something like tat...) |
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Finally post the neoprints liao..... :P So tired. Its like I have to crop the photo so many times until I fed up... So fustrating :P But worth it la... at least can post neoprints!!!! Last time,I only got the small small neoprints! Now i got three big big the neoprints!!! So happy!!! :D Hehe!!! Later still have to go back to school for ICT!!!! Also very happy today no co!!!!! YAY!!! 10 more days till my birthday!!!!!:D YAY!!!! |
Sunday, November 09, 2008
Rule 1 : People who have been tagged must copy this survey on their blog and may replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves . Rule 2 : Tag 5 people to do this survey and those who have been tagged can't refuse to do it . these people must state who they were tagged by and cannot tag the same person whom they were tagged by continuing this game by sending it to other people. 1 . Do you have secrets ? I do.... LOTS!!! :D 2. Would you fall in love with a guy younger than you ? I dont tink so.... :P Cos i prefer guys tat r older than me. Haha!:P 3. Do you enjoy going to school ? Not really. Unless I can be with my friends!! Anyway,staying at home also very boring.. 4. What would you do with a million dollars ? I would save half of it,than the remaining i would spend it wisely n donate some of it to charity! I very kind de... :D 5. Would you fall in love with your best friend ? Neh... NO! I wouldnt,cos im not a lesbian... Unless,if one day,one of my best friend is a boy...than I dont knw.. U nvr knw!:P 6. Which is more blessed , loving someone or loved by someone ? I tink all r blessed but being loved by someone is the best of all! :) 7. List out your favourite idol that you like! S.H.E,飞轮海,罗志祥!!! :D N lots lots more!!! 8. If you had one wish , what would it be? Erm,I dont knw.... Cos got too many wishes le. :P Too greedy!! 9. Is there anything that has made you extremely happy ? No... I dont tink so. But there r some things tat have make me happy before.. 10. What is the most memorable thing anyone has done for you ? Yikes.. I dont knw leh... :P 11. How would you want your holidays to be like? I want it to be fun!!! N not tat boring like going back to schl for cca although it isa schl holiday... Just have fun!!! N go out with my friends... :D 12. Who is currently the most important people to you ? Family & friends :P Hehe! 13. What is being regretted as the most important thing in your life ? Thinking too much... Daydreaming? Haha!! :) 14. Is your birthday on a holiday ? Yes!!!! YAY!!! Tat's the best thing ever!!! Every year is the same... :D 15. What is your favourite colour ? Blue(light blue), Purple,Green n lots of other clour lah!!! So many!!!! :P 16. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously , and both of them do the same , who would you pick ? I wolud pick the one tat is more faithful to me n the one tat love me more? But the most important is being faithful to me!!! Dont lie to me! I hate liars n backstabbers the most! 17. Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing the someone has done ? Would have to depend on it... See first! 18. What are you going to do later ? Go n sleep!! Haha!!! :D Those ppl tat I have tag r: Xiaopin! Isabelle! Elsie! Isabel! Yanjun! |
Friday, November 07, 2008
Dont want to take picture so we have to take secretly lol... :P Looking very pretty as always!! Isabelle always call her very cute!! :D Chio Bu la!!! :D Haha!! But very cute!!! Haha!! :P ![]() Is just tat the other one,I go n put the frame... Szemin in pic!!!!! But too baf,cannot see her face.. Using tinching's handphone... Sohyee looking pretty as always.... Haha!!! :D But elsie like kind of out of pic.... I like the most!!!! :D But the lighting not good so very dark,cannot see... ![]() LOL. but this time cannot see elsie's face... :D ![]() A slightly different one Szemin also not in pic... sohyee n tinching... Szemin not in pic. :P |
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Today going out with my friends!!! YAY!!:D Cant wait!!! So excited... Hehe!! Going to plaza singapura,Not going to tell u more... :D I guess this will be a short post.... :P Isabelle say my this blogskin quite good... I personally also tink so,in fact I kind of like this blogskin. Its not tat girly anyway,but it has bright colours tat kinds of lighten up ur life... N also it got lots of colours like rainbow... I love rainbows!!! :P 15 more days till my birthday!!!:D 0 more days till im going out with my friends!! Cos is today!!!! :D |
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Today stay at home n do nothing.... :D Went back to schl to buy books with my grandma. Next year,sec 2 tb.The books very heavy lol... Hehe!! I only carry the lighter one(there's two plastic bags) n the other one my grandma carry,she also say the books very heavy... In schl so qiqi n another girl tat I know of(4get her name liao,sorry!!!) Both of them also in chinese orchestra n also my future classmates... Cos both of them also in 2A next year... :P I thought sohyee went to buy the schl tb liao,than I sms her,she say havent..I thought she say yesterday she going to buy.... :D I didnt knw... I tink my cough is getting better,its just tat,I got lots of phelgm stuck in my throat... Very irritating lols... I cannot eat sad!!!:( Have to drink lots of water... I CAN'T WAIT FOR TML!!!! :D Yay!!! finally,can go out!!! No need to stay at home for the whole day.... :P |
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
COUNTDOWN: 17 more days till my birthday!!!:D 2 more days till I'm going out with my friends!!!:P |
Today,no co!!! Hooray!!! Haha.... :D All day long,stay at home n do nothing except watch tv n play com n also later at 5pm watch 娱乐百分百!!! Hehe :P Nw,I got flu n also cough,coughing non-stop.... wish tat my flu will get better by thursday!! Cos im going out with my friends!!! Cant wait!!!:D Nothing interesting happened boring....:P I'm only blogging....hehe!! I also post the 安静了the mv... Very nice lol,I love the mv n the song. Nw,I waiting for 都会台to show 蓝球火!!! Hehe.. I want to watch... :D |
S.H.E - 安静了 主唱:S.H.E 作曲/编曲:周杰伦 只剩下钢琴陪我站在这里 梦想中 属于我们的婚礼 却成了 单人结婚进行曲 在这场爱情角力的拔河里 爱我还是爱你 你选择了自己 Woo~ 撒娇的 可爱的 女人的 爱哭的 照片里 曾经的 都是你喜欢的 如今我还在原地 你却走回你的记忆 你说我爱你太多 就快要把你淹没 你害怕幸福短暂一秒就崩落 分开是一种解脱 让你好好的想过 我想要的那片天空 你是不是能够给我 你说我给你太多 却不能给我什么 分不清激情 承诺永恒或迷惑 爱情是一道伤口 我们各自苦痛 沉默是我最后 是因为我太爱你 只剩下鋼琴陪我站在這裡 夢想中屬於我們的婚禮 卻成了 單人結婚進行曲 在這場愛情角力的拔河裡 愛我還是愛你 你選擇了自己 撒嬌的 可愛的 黏人的 愛哭的 照片裡 曾經的都是你喜歡的 如今我還在原地 你卻走回你的記憶 你說我愛你太多 就快要把你淹沒 你害怕幸福短暫一秒就崩落 分開是一種解脫 讓你好好的想過 我想要的那片天空 你是不是能夠給我 你說我給你太多 卻不能給我什麼 分不清激情 承諾 永恆或迷惑 愛情是一道傷口 我們各自苦痛 沉默是我最後溫柔 是因為我太愛你 只剩下鋼琴陪我站在這裡 夢想中屬於我們的婚禮 安靜了 在我枕邊的夢裡 我知道相愛原本就不容易 愛不是1加1 努力就有結局 撒嬌的 可愛的 黏人的 愛哭的 照片裡 曾經的都是愛著你的 臉頰的淚還溫熱 卻沒有人握我的手 你說我愛你太多 就快要把你淹沒 你害怕幸福短暫一秒就崩落 分開是一種解脫 讓你好好的想過 我想要的那片天空 你是不是能夠給我 你說我給你太多 卻不能給我什麼 分不清激情 承諾 永恆或迷惑 愛情是一道傷口 我們各自苦痛 沉默是我最後溫柔 是因為我太愛你 |
Monday, November 03, 2008
Ferri wheel.... At marina barrage!!! ![]() ![]() Very cute!!! Haha!!:D I never went on it before.... :( So pretty!!!! Went to vivocity on friday!!! Co cancel!!! YAY!!! So me,sohyee,elsie n tinching decided to go vivocity!!! Actually felicia also wanted to go but than she say she want to go home anyway we going vivocity ,she also cannot go cos she sy dont want go far far place... Took lots of picture!!! But nvr take a group sad:( Went to kopitiam n ate ice-creanm sundae... We stay until 6pm than go home... 4 hours there playing!! Sunday went the stupid Big Walk!!! Walk 5km!!! My feet so pain lol....:( Than some more wheather there very hot.... But marina barrage there very pretty.... :D I tink I saw chung sze there:( Walao lol!!! Than i tink he saw me....he's face very blur blur like tat... Haha!!! Than later go home n sleep n also go n visit my uncle who was in hospital... |