Friday, August 29, 2008
Today,went back to primary school to meet my friends!!(: The concert at school was great,it just tat there was a lot of electric guitars playing away which made it kind of irritating.... I like the part where the school concert band was playing a piece of music which is very nice!!! Also got back my progress report as tat is wat they called it. The marks on it were shocking as i did not expect I would did so badly to the extent of doing badly than the rest of my friends! I seriously could not believe my eyes! I almost cried sia,but i managed to hold back my tears... Took a bus to meet my friends at the bus-stop near bowen sec. I waited so long for them lol,cos i realised frm them tat they were lokking for me... Haha!! But it was great to meet them again! So many people changed! Just after eight months!! Crystal kind of look shorter n with a new hairstyle,vivian still as usual,shorter than me n also go n cut her frinch which look nicer by the way..., shan yi look shorter than me! Last year ,she was like about the same height as me,n worse of all,she go n cut her frinch! The frinch look very nice on her,but i don't knw why she go n cut it??,vigilia still look the same as last year. I bet she's one of the people who did not change their looks at all... Joey still look the same but she keep her hair long...she almost could not recognise me!! Catherine n julia didn't change much,catherine also could not recognise me!! The boys also changed quite a lot but not as much as we girls changed... But still i recognise quite a lot of them....Anyways i also met jayne who still remember me at least... But the thing was,i didn't stay there for long as vivian n I didn't see any teacher tat we knw except ms yong... So we went off to festival market or hougang point n went there to eat. Vivian said I changed a lot too,I also said she also changed... Than we talked a lot of stuffs like about wat subject we r taking nw,wat kind of teachers we have,wat subject we hate n stuffs like tat... the most funny thing was tat vivian said tat their class,make a lot funny nicknames for their teachers which I too tink it was very funny... She thought I was laughing at the way she is eating cos st the same time she was eating her burger,i said no n said it was because she said it until it was really funny... We also taked about hw big our school is n wat cca we joined. She told me she joined choir n tat she was the only girl in the class to joined it. She also said tat her school military band got gold with honours which i knew long ago cos tat day i went to watch the judging...n three times a week they have band practise. The sat practise session was the most shocking one cos she told me tat they practised frm 8.30am-6pm!! N it is on a sat!!! I totally cannot believe it!! They also practised for the whole of their holidays with only 2 or 3hrs per day to do their hw... This is so ridiculous!!! She asked me if there is anybody in my school tat likes me?? I replied no but she still does not believe me!! She also thought tat I have a stead!!!! Can u believe it??? I also asked her if anybody likes her right nw? She promptly answered no which i knew she would!! After all tat talk,we both went home n said bye to each other cos she was going to take a bus frm the other side of the road. I just wish tat next year i could came back to visit my primary school n meet my friends again!!! Vivian said maybe next year chinese new year come back again!! Too bad for vivian,when going to bus-stop meet so many 6-dilligent(my pri schl class) guys....Haha!! lolx... Also get to watch "wall-e" the movie!!! So cute lol.... wall-e n eve!!!(: hahas.... I like the movie so much!!!!(: |
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Now while im writing this entry,im having a very bad cold n cough tat has been continuing for 4 days! Since,mon night,i have been having this cold. N it is so irratating with the runny nose! Stupid lolx... Feeling terribly bad sia...can't stop coughing!! Okays,continue with my life on so far.... Wed- I knew the overall marks for my history! I got 79/100! The same as sohyee! Tinching got 81,she won us by 2 marks than jeremy won her by 3 marks! Shuhui,she got 68,n she looked kind of sad... Sci got 24/25 for the class test,same as sohyee again! Tinching got full marks!! ARGH her!! Practical test,got 17/20 which i tink is the average mark in the class as most people has 17. Tinching got 19!! Shuhui got 18 and a half. Sohyee got 16. But anyway,im sure tat my sci will get A1!!!! Yesterday didn't post cos got english oral n had to stay back as late as? 5pm! Goodness,i was like in class there waiting for at least 2hrs... Two words,very sian. I sit down there like some dumb dumb lol but i had so much fun!! Haha! Cos most of the time,either i was talking to sohyee,shuhui,joyce,szemin,felicia,enqi,sarah n a whole lot of others who also had oral tat day, mostly sohyee n I were laughing at peiyi cos she was doing something tat was very silly like asking somebody to pull her leg upwards to the ceiling n shuhui did it in the wrong way lots of times which makes us really want to laugh out loud! Than,at one point,I couldn't stop my laughter n was laughing like crazy n we kind of started to laugh,talk quite loudly,tat ms lim had to ask us to keep quiet. Which was quite embarrasing... Soon,it was turn to be tested.i was like so scared tat i wanted to go to the toilet at the last minute,but i didn't. I kept on looking at teh clock praying tat it could get slower. After tat,my name was being called by ms lim,during the oral i just kept talking on n my hands were like sweating! The topic of the oral was mainly about modern technology n i kind of like the topic a lot. In the end,i managed to finish my oral before 5pm!! So happy tat I finally finished my oral!! Hooray!!! Thur- Hehe....surprisingly today don't have pe!!!! Anyway,i also didn't want to go to pe at all cos i still feeling sick lolx.... Than the relieve teacher for the pe period,is so lame... I don't even knw wat the heck he is doing lol. He's just asking us to do some exercises,than i realise we r actually doing taiji or wat? Anyway,fotr tat whole period i was practically laughing away... But in the end,he let us watch incredible tales...which i didn't watch as i was busy folding paper stars... Tmr is the day that we r celebrating teacher's day!!!(: YAY!!(: No lesson for the day!!! Than at the end of the day,we will be getting back our report books!! So After i went back home,my friend call me n ask me if i going back to primary school tmr? I say i tink so... But still,i not really sure i'm should go back a not?? I want to go back n see hw r my friends doing nw... Anyways,i don't care le! I'm just going to have fun tmr when i get to meet my friends again!!(: |
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Updates of the past few days of my life.... Fri- Overall marks for chinese,i got 71/100 which is a A2. Wanted to get a A1 de!!! Shuhui got 78/100!! So good lol,she got A1 while i got A2. Sohyee got B3 which is already good le lol... Literature i got 72/100!!! Tinching got 82/100!! She n harrison got the same marks. I wanted to get A1 but instead i git an A2. Teacher said tat getting a A2 is very good le. 1A class the highest marks for literature was 92/100!!! Everybody was like "wa!" here n there,me also included. So shocking tat 1A could get as high marks as 92!!! Got co practise again... I'm like always saying co is very bored n bla bla bla but seriously co IS very boring,don't knw why the seniors like co SO much. Hahas!! Only the da he zou is fun... Always when there is da he zou,mostly getting scolded frm ding lao shi is the erhu grp. I feel so sry for them lol,always getting scolded for ding lao shi. Also today,have to buy the tickets for the concert at the tampines east cc on the 24th of aug which is on this sun!!! Some more the tickets cost $5 each which is so ex. la!!! Actually not going at first,but the seniors say it is compulsory so in the end we had to but the ticket.... Sohyee,elsie n me told the senoirs tat we r paying $5 for the tickets on next mon. Haha,i still got $5 inside my wallet de,it's just tat i don't want to spent the $5 yet!! Sat- AS per usual,tuition again. This time we were learning about the volume n surface area of a cylinder. During the lesson,i knw hw to do a few questions but half way doing the ws,i start to have problems in my work. It's like i start to became blur blur de n don't knw anything at all,some more mrs peh have not teach this topic yet which makes a bit more difficult to understand the lesson. The way mrs peh teach is too slow le! She must hurry up like the way mr daniel rush through history with us,which he is going to finish the whole syllabus tat we r tested on. Sun- The day tat im going to watch the concert at tampines east cc. Took a bus with sohyee,tinching,felicia,elsie,her brother n his friend to the cc. First we took 136,which we waited for so long. We got up the bus n went to sit at the last row,while walking to the end of the bus n some more the bus was already moving,sohyee suddenly lost her balance n almost fell down but she didn't.. We sat n talk all the waty thrugh the bus ride until we change bus to number 3 which will take us to tampines. The ride was so long tat i almost fell asleep n it was also very curvey where there is a lot of curves during the ride. The bus was like making one whole big round which is kind of unnecessary. The whole ride there took 1hr 30min which is so long n we were late for the concert! We were late for 30mins!! In the middle of the concert,i fell asleep unexpectantly which is because i was too tired already. Teacher very cute,running to the backstage like some little kid! We only watch the concert for 1hr n than it ended! Which was very short n it cost us $5!!(the show was actually 1hr 30min). She obviously is cheating us money lol!! A l hr 30min show like this cost $5!! You must be kidding sia!! We were totally cheated of our money!!!:( Went home to watch the closing ceremony of the 2008 summer olympics!! So nice!! I totally love the fireworks!!(: Although this time the closing ceremony was far more boring than the opening ceremony, it is quite nice,it is just tat there was a lot of singing going on which really make me sleepy... It lasted 2hrs while the opening ceremony lasted 4hrs!! too bad,tat the olympics finished ss fast! Can't waot for the next olympic game,The 2012 london olympic games!!(: Mon- Today co practise session. Don't knw wat happen to me,i like kind of no energy or mood to play my instrument. Teacher today in happy mood,which is good! She go n test us one part which i have not learn yet although felicia learn tat part already. I was like so scared when she asked me to play tat part,i kind of have not really learned tat part yet so i kind of freaked out. Espacially when ding lao shi came in n look at us played,i really got freaked out lol. Elsie didn't come for co cos she said she got flu although she came to school today. So sohyee was left all alone. I almost cried whern teacher was like telling me nicely hw to play(don't knw if it is scolding a not?) She also king of teach sohyee also,the same way she did it when she was talking to me. I kind of hate her le. sohyee n elsie also share the same feeling too... Tue(2day)- No hw!! Hooray!!! But today there was chinese test n science practical test... Chinese was writing composition which i wrote very long until another piece of paper,my electronic chinese dictionary no battery!!! Inthe end have to use sohyee's dictionary which is very difficult to use... Science practical test was very fun as we get to do experiments with the bunsen burner!!! It was so much fun!!!(: During hist lesson, mr daniel was saying who got highest for the history test. It was me,tinching,eugene n jeremy but he only rememberd their names n he forgot my name,than don't knw say who's name... Haha!! We also watch a video of a real-life suicide bomber. The bomber was a woman. Than we watch the video tat showed the entire events including the one tat she went inside the building, pull a string n afterward there was blood all over cos she was tore into pieces. Her upper torso was cut off frm her lower torso n her head was tore off frm the upper torso which due to the after effect of the bomb. The video was so gruesome tat i felt like vomiting!!! Her head flew out of the building,leaving only the body left. It is purely gore n disgusting lol. It's like can u imagine,u r still alive n concious n u pull the string tat activate the bomb,afterwards in a matter of seconds your whole body will be tore apart which is going to be so pain!!! It's not like the woman was unconcious,she was very alert,concious n knew wat she was doing. Goodness sake,why r there such people in this world??? I'm very scared tat i would get nigntmares after watching this video. Teacher said this was a video frm youtube! Latest news is tat tinching lost her things again. Two books!!(i tink so). She didn't tell me much,she just said tat she lost her books tat's all n she went all the way back to schl to find it again!! She is so pathetic!!! Very sad for her cos this is like the 3rd or 4th time,she lost her things! And tmr got oral!!! ARGH!!! I very scared leh some more im the last one to get tested by teacher!! Don't want have oral!!!! Wish me good luck for tmr's oral!!!!(: |
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Yoyo!!! Haha!!! Today no need to stay back......:) Quite bored right nw.....^^ Got back literature paper.... Thought i did badly at first but when got back the test paper,i did not fail!!! I pass my literature test!!! YAYS!!! I got 36/50.... Actually,i can get more than 40 marks de but that teacher who was relieving us for the period,came in late.,n we only got less than 30mins to finish the paper lol. The duration of the paper was supposed to be 50mins but we only got less than30mins to do!!! So i didn't finish the paper on time!! Damn it!!!! I'm so angry,cannot believe i just lost my 4 marks like this!!! Stupid teacher who came in late than laso never give us extra time to finish the paper! She should make up the time for us. This is os unfair!!!:( As usual,tinching got higher marks than us lol. Everytime also like that de!!!! Is either she got higher marks than me or i have the same marks as her. Just wish the science test that we did today,i will win her!!! Good luck!!!! After the science test,ms meenu go through the answers with us! But without the test paper. I think i lost 1 n 1/2 marks(1 n a half mark) fot the science test....i very scared i will not get A1 for this test!!! AH!!!!!! And ther's still got science practical test on 26th August,Tue!!!! Practical test like very scary lol cos must do experiments all by yourself but it is also fun to play!!!! Anyway,nw i reading book cos i got nothing to do....except haven't do my tution homework yet!!! Better go n do nw!!! |
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Today was another day as usual. Nothing special,nothing out of the ordinary....haha!!(: Today there was no assembly instead the time was used for chinese period. Normally,today there was no chinese but because of the last mon the assembly,we missed two periods of chinese class so today we replaced it during the assembly period instead of going home earlier!!! Sad......if not i could go n revise for my scince test tat is tmr. It is on solutions n suspensions. So scared of tmr test lol.... Today stay in class for assembly which was fun as i was too lazy to go downsiairs for assembly at the parade square...During dnt class,the first period,it was pratical work than after tat,teacher gave us test. Thank goodness,i got revise my work,the day before,if not i die sia.... There was some question tat i did not knw hw to do so i anyhow do...haha!! the music lesson there was test,it was on jingle bell n u r supposed to play the song,i didn't knw hw to play n thank goodness teacher didn't test me lol....i get a C in music never mind de,as long i do good in my studys,tat would be better.... I hate plying on the recorder!!! Sci lesson,ms meenu was going through the corrections for the science theory wb. Some of the boys were plying n talking away among themselves...but in the end,they were being punished my her n they were asked to stand outside the class...haha!!! Gotta go! Going to revise for my sci test tat is tmr.... Gd luck for me!!!(: |
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Continue frm the last it is too long(: Fri- Co training......sian. So boring. Thank goodness,today is da he zou n not the practise session,if not die sia...... Hehe,i prefer da he zou than the practise session cos if u ply a note wrongly,nobody cares about u the..... Literature got test. Do half way,than the bell ring le,got no time to finish....left one more question. Don't knw if teacher will minus of my marks as i never finish the paper..... Sohyee also never finish the test paper.....hehe(: Also cannot watch olympics.... at 2.30pm will determine whether singapore can get into the finals!!! Good luck!!! Sat- 2day i got tuition as per normal, teacher teach about the volume n surface areas of solids. My tuition teacher teach so fast lol, faster than mrs peh lol.....Mrs peh only started to teach coordinates n linear graphs which is so so slow behind le..... Tuition teacher teach until so fast,tat i quite don't understand wat she toking about...... Good luck for singapore at tmr's tournament of the table tennis match.... Wish can get gold!!!!!(: Sun- Nothing special today......except today got the olympics!!! 2day was the day tat singapore is competing with china for the gold medal at the table tennis tournament..... at night,at 7.30pm, the battle started. Singapore did quite well for the 1st round but went it came to the 2nd,3rd n 4th round we totally lost to china. In the end, we really lost to china as they were to strong for our match so we got silver in the end n china got gold.... At least we got silver,as it was quite a achievement for us as it has been 48 years since we got a medal. So the women table tennis team had done singaporean good. N not to mention,they will get $750 000....don't knw whether is it for each of them or for the whole team itself. Can't figure it out..... Mon- Thank goodness,teacher was not in a bad mood today,not like last time,when she was really angry with us.... Co practise again....very sian.... Hehe, i kept on repeating this all over again lol.... Got back history paper today! Szemin ask mr daniel,who got the highest mark? He said out three names. The 1st one was jeremy,2nd one was eugene n the last one was me!!! I was like very shocked to heard my name being called but was glad i didn't did badly in history...haha(: Before tat.i was like so scared tat i will did badly n very anxious to knw hw many marks i got.... My marks were so shocking,i could not believe i got so much high marks! 33/40!! Thought tat i finally beat tinching to get 1st,but it turns out tat teacher gave her short of 3 marks which in the end became 33/40 , the same as me.... Sohyee got 28/40,shuhui don't knw cos she didn't want to tell us but she told us it was below 25! Cannot believe she would get as low as tat lol.....N also got maths test lol..... Tue(today)- Got maths paper back!!! Got 19/20.... YAY!!!! Realise tat shuhui,sohyee n I got the same marks!!! N we won tinching by 1 mark!!! Yes!!! I finally won tinching!!! But the sad thing was tat actually i could have got full marks sia.....20/20!!!! Surprisingly,herman got full marks for this test. It kind of shock people as i cannot believe he really could get full marks lol..... Sci lesson, , ms meenu showed us a video about the disgusting chapter in our tb... it was about the different contraceptive methods... The video was quite stupid n sillly n it was made by ms meenu's friends!! It was posted on Youtube which ms meenu showed us.... Than we watch other videos like the RK house no pork n something like hilarious..... 2day,i weird wierd one,kept on getting angry for no reason lol.....:( |
Thur-went to sci centre.....for the crime lab thing. At first,thought it was fun,but on second thoughts,i dont tink so....(: Some pics tat i took at the sci centre...... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Tmr have hist test!! So work hard!!! Jiayous!!!(: 2day nth to write,so just going to post some pictures......(: ![]() The Fuwas!!! Jingjing so cute!!!!(: I love all of them!!!!(: hehe.... ![]() ![]() |
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Hihihihis..... Finally paint finish my dnt work le!!! So happy!!!(: Syhuhada said my blog a bit sad about it....:( Thank u very much tinching 4 updating the blog,while i was away n too busy to update this blog.... Fri- Today went to the bishan park.......(4 further information,look at tinching's post.....(: ) Angry at some ppl( not telling who) During night time,i watch the opening ceremony of the Beijing 2008 Olympics which was very nice!!!! I like the whole look of it n also the fireworks which has many colours tat make it so beautiful to see..... The ceremony was at least 4hrs long(8pm-12am) which made me so tired in the end. After watching it,i imediately fell asleep as tmr i still had to go to the national day parade!!!(: What a fun,tiring,angry day 4 me!! Sat- Woke up quite late. Woke up at 10am. Too tired liao.... cos of yesterday's opening ceremony of the olympics.... Also no need to go tution!!! YAY!!!!!:D 2day going to watch national day parade!! N today's Singapore's birthday!!! HAPPY 43rd BIRTYHDAY, SINGAPORE!!!!(: The sad thing was when i went there,i could not watch the parade:( Cos the 2 of the tickets(altogether there was 4 of them) were preview 1 which meant tat it was on the 2nd aug which is 1 week b4 national day. So in the end,my grandma n her friend went to watch the parade as she wanted to give her friend a birthday present....while my grandpa n i went back home,it was kind of sad as i wanted to watch the parade:(....but never mind,as there is a another change of going there again to watch the parade....haha(: Anyway thank goodness,i didn't went as i also had a cold n was sneezing all day long... Than during at home watching the live telecast of the parade,i fell asleep in the middle of the parade n when i woke up,it was towards the end of the parade le. Sad but happy day 4 me today.....lolx.... Sun- Did nth special except watching the olympics... Tonight,there's the battle between USA n China 4 the basketball thing..... Watch until i cannot watch liao... The match is so lousy la...tat USA won to China(101-70).... China really lost to USA,so badly.....^^ Heard tat Tao li(frm swimming) got into the finals 4 Women's 100 metres butterfly!!!! She really got through into finals!!! She became the 1st singaporean to get into the swimming finals. So happy 4 her!!!(: In this semi-finals,she got 3rd place n she broke her former record !!!(4get liao)Maybe after all,we could get a medal!!!! All the best to her for her swim tmr!!!!(: Mon- No schl today!!! Hooray!! Can stay at home n watch the olympics..... Watch the finals for butterfly n Tao li got 5th in place this time round.... The 1st was the australian girl. Was actually disappointed at her as we could not get a medal but she in 5th place,was already very good. Although she was the shortest in the race compared with the others,she could managed to race into the finals, kicking out tons of competitors n in the end got 5th in place in the finals. To me,i think it is a achievement. so glad 4 her!!!(: Our badminton team also lost to malysia's team...such a dissapointment...but still glad 4 them...(don't knw wat im talking about....) HAha!!:D Tue(today)- Went back to schl bored.....:( Got back aths paper. I got 14/20 while unexpectantly,tinching got 20/20(full marks). We clap n clap.... Cannot believe tat tinching got full marks 4 it!!!! So happy 4 her!!!!During lesson time,me n shuhui kept on saying about the olympics espacially about the swimming as there wasTao li in it. N she like kept on saying it,saying tat she wants to see her swim today for the 200 metre butterfly.... So irritating.... tinching n sohyee kept on seeing me n shuhui talking about the olympics tat they kind of got annoyed about it n started to block me frm talking to shuhui. They used newspaper to block me frm talking,i find it very childish for her to do tat.... Ms meenu got very angry today at sci lesson,as we were too noisy at the sci lab. It was really noisy at there with the boys keep on talking n playing... She got so fed up tat she treatened us by saying she's going to cancel the trip to the sci centre. Hehe,we didn't want to go to the sci centre at all if cancel tat would be good. But i dont think she's going to cancel the trip.... |
Saturday, August 09, 2008
Sherlyn, let me continue the yesterday this time... >.< Walao.. it was quite sian.. My friends and i have to wake up damm early yeasterday... why? bcoz of that damn trip to bishan park!.. soh yee's mother drove soh yee n i to kovan to meet shu hui, sherlyn n yan jun. n by the way... GOT TO REALLY THANK SOH YEE'S MOTHER AS SHE ALWAYS DROVE US HOME OR WHEREVER...anyway, when taking 136 bus.. we noticed a teacher and some yuying students oso taking the same bus... we thought of getting off the bus when they get off.. as we were quite blur wondering where to stop but then shu hui like have heard that after the the mrt 2 more stops then get down.. hahax kind of think of it...DAMN funny... as the bus stopped at where shu hui sae.. we were like all looking back seeing if they were ready to get off.. but then they did the same... WE WERE LIKE... UU WATCH ME I WATCH UU.. then we didnt bothered n get off.. then the rest oso followed.. haha.. then assemble time.. oh my.. it was quite boring.. while assembly.. Miss Jolene Lim, Mdm Irda and another teacher (which i can't remember who she/he was) sang a national day song if im not wrong.. n they will great though. It started off with bossaball if im not wrong.. then we continue with the activity where we have to run/walk some parts of the park.. it was quite tiring... after the activity.. we rest at the taiji stone.. n then Sze Min came with the refreshments n muffins!!.. though..we think that muffin is more like Queh then muffins... it tasted horrible.. to me la. After the whole bishan park thingy activity... Soh yee, shelryn , shu hui n i... we went to junction 8.. hahax yesterday sherlyn was like our tour guide... she guide us to alot of places.. First, we went off to the food court.. it was damn crowded.. so difficult to find seats.. in the end when we fould seats n settled down.. now we have another prob... we don't know what to eat... so in the end.. we ordered desserts instead of mayb rice or noodles..then we thought of hanging out in the arcade... but then we forgot theat we were wearing the uniform.. so we went to the popular as shu hui wanted to buy a book that wrote by Roald Dahl. in the end can;t find her book then we went to the library... we did the heymaths assignment there.. n astonishinly we got 10 out of 10.. Today... haix... SHERLYN SO GOOD.. can go see that national dsay thingy .. then shu hui asked her to gib her the souvenirs.. me too.. asked her for fun la.. dun take it serious sherlyn... or if uu haf xtra mayb the GIB ME ..hahax. haix.. since yesterday.. sore throat then ytd night got flu till today.. feeling so uncomfortable.. anywaess... got to sign off.. ONCE AGAIN.. cO JIAYOUS..OH YA... AND ALMOST FORGET... HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO SINGAPORE!!!!! Tin Ching.... |
Thursday, August 07, 2008
Today, got maths test......quite easy though.... And there's 1 question tat ask y ab is parallel to ce? I found this question odd n wondered who put this question. But too bad, there was no name of the setter for the paper.... During eng lesson, watch finish the movie of "Charlie and the chocolate factory". So nice!!!!!(:I lurve it!!!!! Espacially the song in the movie which is very cute..... Teacher also gave brain teasers which was not as easy as it seems.... During pe lesson,we played bossaball which was fun n exciting but tiring as we had to hit the volleyball which was so hard tat our hands hurt like hell!!! But it was worth it,as we get to play it after all....haha.... The jumping thing is very bouncy which was so fun tat me n sohyee keep on jumping on it!!!!.... By the end of pe,i was already exhausted. Went back to class,n shuhui started to spray water at tinching suddenly she spray too much tat the water splash onto tinching's t-shirt n the water went into her clothes. Shuhui was still laughing away while tinching was like trying to get the water out of her shirt. In fact,we were all laughing away..... After tat,shuhui went to spray at szemin. At first,szemin didn't like the idea of it but than she say spray some more as it is so cooling. At this moment,shuhui sprayed too much of the water tat all the water flew right onto szemin's face n her face was like all wet over. But.szemin didn' mind at all,which was good actually. Literature lesson,was boring as ever,with ms lam going through the little prince book. At one point,she asked guoliang to act as the little prince while bryan to act as the author. So hilarious!!!! Haha!!! Paint finish my dnt work le. All i need to do nw is to paste it on the wooden board... The ending work is quite nice actually, decided to put glitter on it....(: (nth to write so just put smiley face) And oh ya! Tmr have to wake up very very early.... I'm going to wake up at 5.30am to get ready as i'm meeting tinching,sohyee n shuhui at 6.30am at kovan..... So bad,cannot wake up later.... :( |
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
Yay! 2day came back home early!!! I was like back home by 1pm....cos today no assembly.....haha(: Thank goodness,me n tinching caught bus 112 in time,if not we would have to wait for another 15 mins..... I found out tat the milo truck was supposed to come today n not yesterday. I was so mad at this lol,make me wait for more than 30 mins standing outside with the hot sun glaring at me!!! Going to be black le!! Nw,the weather is so hot. Cannot take it le!! My room also getting hotter by the min.... Today, had quite a fun n funny day. In sci lesson, kengwee was like trying to act he's plying the erhu n while doing tat,he started humming to the song tat we played before. It's called "nan er dang zi qiang" He was humming away n the action he did 4 plying the erhu was so hilarious, tat tinching,peiyi n me were laughing away.... Than during the middle of the lesson, ms mennu was going through the theory wb with us when shw saw kengwee talking away n said" Since,kengwee likes to talk so much,hw about lets invite him to talk infront of the class." After she had said tat,the whole class was clapping like mad don't knw wat happen,tat she started to ask people to come infront of the class to do something tat she said n she asked kengwee to sing a song. N he sang a song(forgot wat was the song name le), which he was singing n laughing at the same time... The next person was eugene n he was ask to do something (which i also had forgotten), it was also funny... 3rd person was yong jie n he was asked to show the actions for cooking chicken rice which at 1st he did;nt knw hw to do,but in the end,he manage it quite well... Vincere,andrew,herman,jeremy,szemin, also did the things tat ms meenu ask them, so its like a kind of game actually.... Went to dentist today,n dentisi said i can put braces! I want to put braces but it's kinda ex. as it costs $4000 to put braces n nw it does not include supsidies which is very bad.....I just wish i can braces to make my teeth more beautiful.......(: Going to national parade!!!!(: |
Updates for the past few days....(: Another one of my long, long post.... Thur- quite a boring day,although have pe....... In schl,yesterday,every thur of the week,1st period,we had tests like those kind of class tests tat would be added up ti the end of year exam....We had hist test,tat was not really difficult at all.At the end of the test,my friends n I discuss about the answers of the test,n i got 4 wrong in total. Yikes! I spelled wrong "archaeology" instead i spelled it as "archeology"......Stupid la!!!!! Than during pe,while we were plying captain's ball, isabelle accidentally steeprd on shuhui's leg,n she made a big fuss saying tat if isabelle had stepped on her feet harder,her leg would have been sprained...n so after tat,she did not ply anymore n sat down at 1 corner. She kept on complaining about isabelle,n it was very irritating until i cannot stand it anymore n i shouted at all "Are u done at?" She replied tat she was not done yet... I almost got very mad at her.....Today's so not my day... Fri- 2 day have co again,very boring.... During practice session,my friends n i were laughing like mad,as my friend was telling a joke n it was so hilarious tat we try our best not to lagh so loudly..... She was saying tat a friend of hers was singing a chinese song during eng period n the teacher ask her friend to translate the song into eng. N so her friend translate it into eng than there was on part tat sang "fly u to the sky" (in chinese) some thing like tat,when being translated its like weird which make us laugh so badly,tat i almost want to cry.....haha! Sat-nth special..... Have nth to do except doing hw....Heard a new song by jonas brothers... It's called "burning up" The song rocks n i so lurve it!!!!(including the video which i had upload in another post)...(: Sun-Went out shopping with my family to suntec city....than bought lots of food there to bring back home n eat. Also there to change handphone 4 my grandpa n see if there is any nice phone tat i can change^^.....Afternoon at compass point, saw a very nice walkman phone at the singtel shop, a flip-up walkman phone! Maybe changing phone nxt year!!(: If got change phone,i want to change to tat 1..... Mon- Got back hist paper!!!! Got 30/40.... Not bad though,i thought i got a lot of wrong!! Sohyee got 35/40!!! Gd 4 her!!! When mrs peh walked in 4 maths lesson,we got a big shocked as her hair was curly!!! She said tat she permed her hair!!! Dont like the hair she has nw,i rather prefer the hair she has last time,right before she go n ruined her hair by perming it.... Everbody was laughing like mad espacially kengwee n bryan could not help laughing.... It was so lol!!!! Haha!! Than somebody said tat we laughed like 4 about 30 mins about her hair.... LOL.... Co again.... 2 day very serious no jokes to say...:( N teacher like very angry with us as we have not learn the whole song yet...(not sure) One of our friends said tat some people want to quit frm co....i got very shocked at the news cos i also thought of quitting co,but have not make a decision to it yet. So,i was quit surprised my the news. Half way during lesson, De lao shi came in n say about the thing of quitting co,saying tat nobody can quit co until next year after syf competition..... Nw its like very stressed 4 us lol,espacially,we sec 1s. Cos next year we would be performing during syf n ding lao shi its like trying to agitate us saying tat the other schls she teach,they all won gold,silver or gold with honours.... I just wish tat we will doing well during nxt year's syf....(: N yay!! No co until next fri(16th Aug) as this fri we have the run n r going to bishan park n next mon is a holiday!!!(don't knw wat holiday) Hooray! We would be spared off.....Also got hw to do,stupid eng paper n summary.... Won a sweet 4 the completion of the crossword puzzle....only the first 4 people got to have a sweet,haha,i don't even knw which place am i.... Tue - Got back maths paper,got 15/20 while sohyee got 19/20.... I think im doing very badly nw....cos sohyee improved so much in her studies.... Must buckled up n study hard!!! No more slacking le!!! Slack too much n my results went down... MUST improved!!!(: Also watch movie of " Charlie and the chocolate factory" watch it half waythough only during eng period. Ms meenu didn't come to schl today so we got a relieve teacher.... The teacher kind of looks like yoga lin you jia....haha!!(No kidding!!) 2day i got no mood to talk to people,don;t knw y...its like i kind of got personality change(something like tat).... No hw today!!! So happy!!! Just nw we were like waiting like idiots at the foyer waiting for the milo truck to come. as we wanted to get some free milo.... But we waited n waited,some more the weather was hot like hell, but the milo truck didi not come..... Don't knw if mr lawrence is plying a trick on us a not??? Cos yesterday during assembly,he said tat there was a milo truck coming today at 2pm. And so we waited n waited till it was 2.30pm already,so we gave up waiting n went back home,shuhui had to stay back cos she got co.... 2day got magic show at schl,actually want to watch but nobody accompanied me n i didn't went to watch as in order to watch we have to buy tickets tat r $5 each!!! So ex!!!... |
Sunday, August 03, 2008
New video of jonas brothers latest album"A little bit longer" Song:"Burnin up" So lurv this song!!!(: By:sherlyn(: Lyrics: (Verse 1) I'm hot You're cold You go around Like you know Who I am But you don't You got me on my toes (Chorus)I'm slipping into the lava And I'm trying to keep from going under Baby who turn the temperature hotter I'm burning up Burning up For you baby (Verse 2) I fell So fast I can't hold Myself back High heels Red dress All by yourself Gotta catch my breath (Chorus) I'm slipping into the lava And I'm trying to keep from going under Baby who turn the temperature hotter I'm burning up Burning up For you baby Bridge) I walk in the room All I can see is you You're staring me down I know you feel it too (Chorus) I'm slipping into the lava And I'm trying to keep from going under Baby who turn the temperature hotter I'm burning up Burning up For you baby (Chorus) I'm slipping into the lava And I'm trying to keep from going under Baby who turn the temperature hotter I'm burning up Burning up For you baby (Big Rob & the Jobros) We're burning up in the place tonight You Brothers sing it loud and we feel it right Get up and dance don't try and fight it Big Rob's fo real and that's no lie So jump and roll and touch the floor While he keeps on burning up more and more I got JB with me We're laying it down Now come on boys sing the chorus with me (Chorus) I'm slipping into the lava And I'm trying to keep from going under Baby who turn the temperature hotter I'm burning up Burning up For you baby I'm burning up Burning up For you baby |