Wednesday, July 30, 2008
2day another schl day has gone by......n tmr is thur!which means have pe!!! i dont really like pe nw of these days as it is so hot out there,soon to get sunburn the..... During sci lesson,we went to the lab to do experiments. The experiment we did 2day was about finding out does powdered sugar dissolves faster than the sugar cube n when u stir the mixture,does it makes the sugar dissolves even faster... our conclusion was that powdered sugar dissolved much more faster than sugar cube,n its dissolves even faster when it is being stired..... After tat,ms meenu,told us another story about her friend when at tat time she was in sec 3...this time it was about her friend,a boy.One day,he didint bring his coat(lab coat,white in colour)to schl. So he asked 1 of the girls to lent him their coat,but they didint want,so he offered to pay the girl the amount of the coat to borrow her coat to him.In the end,the girl accept it,n lent her coat to him. But the problem,was tat the coat was too small,n he cant even fit in it at all,so he fold the coat like he was wearing some t-shirt like tat. When the sci. teacher came in the lab,she saw her friend tat wore the coat n asked him was he supposed to wear his coat like tat? So,he went to adjust it. the teacher ask him the same question again, this time he told the truth to the teacher tat he did not brought his coat n had borrowed it frm a girl. n we started laughing the end of the story,she asked the usual question again,"What is the moral of this story?" Szemin replied back since tat was a story,y there should be a moral behind it? ms meenu like kind of explain it back to her saying its good 4 us 2 knw morals so tat we would learned frm it n would not do it again.... Than,durin D&T lesson,mr amir did not come to schl,so we had to stay in class,which was quite boring,until the relieve teacher gave us ws to do....N today is show luo's birthday!!!! Happy birthday to him!!!!......that's all i have to write about.... |
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Hihihis to all.......havent written a single entry since last wed.... So nw,im going to update wat happen during last wk..... Thur- we had the cultural exibition thingy....and here r some pics tat i took..... I can say it was qute intresting after all......Fri-tinching post it le...... Sat- Didint do anything much......besides going 4 tution n visiting my grandma....(: Sun- Went to suntec city,to book holiday. I'm going sydney n canberra,australia in dec!!!!! The price of it is quite ex,like $2000 per pax(person)!!!!! Total amount my mother paid was like $12000!!!!!! Its like very shocking to hear i didnt expect it.... This time going to australia,i have to but presents 4 tinching,shuhui n sohyee too..... Going bankrupt le!!!!!(: last time i went to perth,melbourne,gold coast(brisbane),n plus this,i can literally finish visiting the whole of australia....apart of have not visited darwin and tasmania yet.... Plus mother say maybe nxt year we could be going to japan!!!! I hope so!!! cos she spent quite a lot of money on this trip 2 australia le..... i so love japan!!!!!!(: Mon- yesterday had co training again....very boring:( Thank goodness,ding lao shi didnt come,all we would have died there with all her scolding.... During the practise,it was so funny,as we had 2 climb the stairs as a punishment 4 playing the wrong note as we were practising the song was so tiring climbing up the stairs even though we climb once only...hahas:)....n teacher was practically laughing 4 the whole of the practise session.... During class,as we were playing as usual,throwing 7 zai(cj7) here n there,tinching open her mouth too big n the skin frm the lips there started to came offn blood was like flowing out,it was pure disgusting....but it was not a really big cut though. As tinching was trying her best to wash her mouth to spit out the blood,she tasted a bit of the blood.n said "yuck"! After she said it,we started laughing as it was so funny,watching her say "yuck" n her face expression....haha!!!! Tue(2day)- Is 2day a laughing day??? Cos 2days lesson, teachers were saying silly stuff,n we were all laughing at it....During sci lesson,ms meenu started to say about her friend again. N everytime we asked her is it the same friend tat she is toking about,she say no,this is another friend of hers.... I wonder hw many friends she had???... her stories were so silly,tat we could not stop laughing. Hist lesson too,mr daniel was toking about the emperors having many concubines n stuff like tat,like the emperor cant possibly look after all his concubines n need some1 whom he trusts,2 take care of them 4 him,so he asks the enuchs to look after them. Enuchs r guys who have castrate of their sexual organs....After tat,he said tat there was 1 guy who did not knw the diff. between castration n the cut of a bit of the skin process(dont knw wats tat word???Pai sey!!!) (this a real story...) One day,he asked the doctor tat he 1s 2 go 4 castration,the doctor was shock by it n asked him,does he wants to discuss it with his wife? But he say don't need,it's just a small matter,no big deal about it. N so he went forward with the operation. While resting on his bed after the operation,his wife came 2 visit him n ask him,hw was his cut of a bit of the skin thing?(dont knw wats the word) Than he reply back"Oh tat was the word!" So all this time,he didnt knw wat was tat process called n called it castration which was so wrong.... After it,my friend n i were laughing like mad as we could not believe there was somebody like tat who didnt knw wat was the diff. between castration n the other process....Haha!!! |
Friday, July 25, 2008
nThis my first time posting >.<... anywaes.. homeworks!!! reminder to all 1-Bians... we have history, the personal recount thingy, n DUN FORGET STILL GOT HEYMATH!2 ASSIGNMENTS! sian la... HAIX... These few days I damn unlucky! A few days ago, lost my wallet.. then now my D&T's folio and textbook are missing!! ( by the way, if anyone found it, please return thank you) I really don't get it. Why the class got 35 ppl.. then pian pian so lucky i kena this kind of thing..TWO TIMES " is it someone trying to play a trick on me?" GOD>> why? anyway today in MT lesson.. hah.. kind of think of it.. makes me laugh man.. my Chinese teacher, Mdm tan, was explaining the ke wen.. and then she say what friends actually are also "fake"... hah! then she bian a story.. when she was talking about it she, herself get so angry with her own story man- how cute! and while she talking, Sze Min and I were discussing and laughing about her.. n then when literature, my " zai zai " aka. "Qi Zai" almost let Guo Liang throw... oh ya sherlyn! hahhahhaha.. why all the teachers hor, when spot those that were playing while they teach hor..pian pian only scold uu first ar.. is it your exaggerate laughter let everyone only can see uu.. the first time was like got caught by mrs peh n then ms lam hor? U don't come smacking me on Monday. I just stating the facts ^.^ aiyo and today Co, haix.. so tiring.. very sleepy.. then Ding lao shi as usual.. scold scold. but mayb some scold de right la.. Got to go revise!!signing offfffff.......... BY THE WAE( EVERYONE NOTE TIS!!) SOH YEE IS CHIO BU . SHE MORE CHIO THAN MISS UNIVERSE AR..oh ya !!! and last 2 things!! COs, JIAYOUS TO ALL!!!GET THE SHINY SHINY GOLD. N TO ALL 1-BIANS.. JIAYOUS FOR EOY EXAMS!! By Tin Ching |
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
neoprints tat i took last sat 20th july on sohyee's birthday... ![]() this 1 with my head too big....block tinching's face...^^sry tinching... ![]() everybody with the smiley face(:... ![]() me closing my eyes.....:( ![]() say cheese!(: Haha!!! Happy always!!!(: |
hihihihs to all.......2day is another boring but fun day^^....haha......just nw went to heymaths n saw tat mrs peh just gave a new assignment to do 2day at 3.30pm.......due date by mon 28 july.....the test is mcq dont need to worry.....:D |
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Sian....nth to do nw....very bored.......although have not print the portfollio yet......die.....^^ |
Hi(: anyway YAY! 2day no homework!!!! very gd!!!(: so happy.... Also happy that today no need to see teachers face...^^haha...... N 2day sohyee came back to schl le!!! after falling sick yesterday with fever....sad 4 her^^ must have eaten too much cakes le.... |